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Alan had been a little distant since Austin told him everything, and the brunette didn't blame him. He was actually surprised that Alan didn't storm out and for sure hate him for doing something so awful, but he didn't, and that surprised the brunette more than anything. It was actually wonderful that Alan was so understanding, and that just added onto the list of why Austin didn't deserve him.

After Austin had explained everything, they had a very long conversation about their relationship and where it stood. Alan didn't want to end things, but he needed time to wrap his head around the fact that the guy who he had broken up with once before lied to him. Sure, Alan understood why he did it, and he found it a little sweet, but Austin still lied and the ginger had ever right to be mad, so of course Austin gave him the space he desired.

While Austin waited patiently for Alan to come around again from his time needed apart, the brunette went back to work. He knew he couldn't blow anymore time off and he was sure everyone was demanding where he was, but not wanting to see Justin seemed to have kept him back. He'd knew he'd have to face some day, and today was that day.

Austin sucked it up and headed inside the building, taking the elevator up to his floor. His hands were shaking slightly, but he kept them tucked in his pants pockets as he made his way towards his office, stopping in his tracks as he saw the familiar cubicle was occupied, but only this time, it wasn't Justin. It was someone else.

"Mr. Carlile, I was beginning to wonder if you ran off on us," Suzanne came up, a big smile on her face. Austin was beginning to dislike her after the several incidents involving her and her ability to not keep her damned mouth shut.

"Yeah, I came down with something. Didn't want to risk the chance of getting anyone else sick, awful stuff," Austin said, refraining from rolling his eyes. "Anyways, what happened to Justin?"

"Oh, he got moved to a different floor. He said something about not being able to keep up with the work here. Such a shame honestly, I liked him," Suzanne said.

No one knew about Justin and Austin's relationship, it wasn't anyone business, which was a good thing because if anyone found out they were together and they had broken up, everyone would be asking questions and Austin didn't want that. He was actually happy that Justin got moved to a different floor because he was still pissed about the turn of events that happened between them, but Austin forced himself to not think about it. He had Alan now and that was all that mattered, it was all that would ever matter.

"Yes, such a shame," Austin muttered. "I've got work to catch up on."

The brunette walked around Suzanne and headed into his office, closing the door before she could have the thought to follow him. Suzanne was annoying, to say the least, but she was a good worker.

Austin situated himself at his desk, letting out a little sigh. He had thousands of emails and stacks of files to go through. Right away Austin knew it was going to be a long day.


It had been several hours and Austin felt like he was drowning in a sea of paperwork. He had missed quite a lot, but he didn't regret it. He needed this time away from work, he needed to relax for once- even if he relaxed by drinking until he could no longer see straight and could barely walk- and he felt like he deserved it- well, not the heartbreak that came with it. He could have done without.

It was finally lunch time when Austin had gotten halfway through the stacks of papers and folders that were on his desk. He didn't have many more to go, but he felt like his head was going to explode and his hand was going to fall off from how many pieces of papers he signed off on. He definitely deserved his lunch break right about now.

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