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The restaurant wasn't anything extravagant, just nice and simple, but Alan loved it anyways. He didn't want to go anywhere that would be so expensive you'd have to pay with an arm and a leg, he just wanted to be able to go out somewhere and just be with Austin, and this place served just well enough.

"How many?" A guy at the front of the restaurant asked. He reminded the brunette of his teenage years, working day and night at restaurants and anywhere else he could find just to get himself money to help with his college funds.

"Two, please," Austin said, his hand absent mindedly finding Alan's and holding it.

"Would you like a table or a booth?" The guy asked as he grabbed two menus and two things of silverware.

"Table," Austin told him, and the guy nodded before leading them to a free and clean table. He placed the menus down, telling them to have a good evening before returning back to the front to greet others.

"Hello, I'm Josh and I'll be your waiter for the night. What can I get you to drink?" A waiter, Josh, asked as he clicked his pen and held it against the pad, waiting with a kind smile.

"Um, tea will be fine," Austin said, shrugging. Normally he would have gotten a bear or something of the sort, but it felt almost... wrong to have something like that. Josh smiled and nodded before looking over to Alan.

"Water will be fine, thank you," and with that, Josh left, leaving Austin to smile across the table at the ginger whose cheeks were slightly pink.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Alan mumbled softly, smiling gratefully at the brunette seated across from him.

"Of course, you wanted to go out, so," Austin said, shrugging.

"Yeah, but you didn't have to take me out, you didn't have to say yes to doing this with me," Alan said, but Austin just shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"You deserve to go out, baby, instead of being cooped up in that apartment all day and all night, and I want to do these things for you and with you," the brunette told him, making Alan smile and his cheeks turn red.

Soon enough Josh came back with their drinks and took their order before disappearing again, leaving Austin and Alan to talk quietly amongst themselves, until everything just stopped.

Austin glanced up for a split second outside the window of the restaurant before his eyes grew wide and his heart dropped into his stomach and he went cold all over. He felt his lungs lose all their air as his jaw drop slightly to the floor while the only thought that ran through his head was "fuck".

Standing outside of the restaurant, looking inside was Justin, and boy did he look pissed. Austin felt his mouth go dry and he muttered out some excuse to Alan as he stood and literally stumbled out of the restaurant to Justin.

"What the hell!" Justin screamed, catching the attention of people walking by, but he didn't care. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?! You lied to me! You told me that you were having to stay late at work to help with a new pitch!"

"What- What are you doing here?" Austin asked, because he didn't know what to say. He was just hoping that all of this was some sort of dream, that he did not just get caught.

"Don't worry about that. You're fucking cheating!" Justin screamed, his voice breaking slightly. "How long has this been going on?!"

"A-About three months? I-I'm not too s-sure," Austin said, a lump forming in his throat. This really could not he happening. The brunette felt awful as he saw the look of absolute heartbreak pass over Justin's features.

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