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Justin seemed to believe Austin's little lie, or that's what Austin believed anyways. It'd been several days since the brunette showed his boyfriend that there wasn't anything going on, that he didn't need to worry anymore. He assumed it was alright now since the brunette was heading over to Alan's place- or Michael to Justin- now and Justin didn't have that look on his face like he usually did when Austin announced that he was going over there.

Austin sighed softly, feeling his shoulders slump down as he pushed the key into the lock of Alan's apartment and turned the key. It had been some days since they last saw each other, and Austin was so thankful that Alan finally got another phone, because if he hadn't, the brunette would have gone insane and would be going through some sort of withdraws from not seeing the ginger or hearing from him and Austin would be filled with so much worry and want.

"Baby?" Austin called out into the apartment, earning no such response. It was quiet, save for Menchi who came trotting down the hallway, her collar jingling.

Maybe he's asleep or something, Austin thought as he made his way down to Alan's bedroom, pushing the door open and frowning with disappointment as he saw that the ginger was, in fact, not there.

Austin made his way back into the living room, his bones beginning to fill with worry, and he told himself not to freak out, that maybe Alan was somewhere nearby, but it didn't stop the brunette from thinking that his baby could be hurt, or lost, or just something. Without another thought, Austin pulled his phone out and dialed Alan's number, holding his breath the entire time it rang, until, finally, Alan picked up.

"Baby? Baby, where are you?" Austin asked, sounding like a very overprotective boyfriend and concerned parent, but he couldn't help it.

"I'm at the park, what's wrong?" Alan questioned, growing concerned himself. Austin let out a sigh of relief as his shoulders slumped and he plopped down on the couch. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Austin said, shaking his head. "I'm at your apartment and you're not here and I got really worried, I just thought something might have happened..." He sounded so crazy, but he didn't care.

"Well I'm actually on my way back now," Alan said, biting down on his lip. He felt bad for making his boyfriend worry, but he didn't think he'd be coming around today.

Austin mumbled an "okay" before they hung up, seeing as Alan was just a block away and would be arriving soon. The brunette felt like he was crazy for having overreacted slightly, but he couldn't help it, he cared. After the accident, Austin wanted to make sure the ginger was safe and okay and comfortable and happy.

The front door opened and Alan timidly stepped inside, biting his bottom lip as he saw his boyfriend sat on the couch. He suddenly felt shy and small, and he didn't know why, but he was just waiting for Austin to yell at him, but no such thing happened. Austin stood up from the couch and walked over to the door where the ginger was stood and pulled him into his arms, pressing a kiss on top of his head.

Alan felt warm and cozy and he smelt like outside and just felt...perfect. Austin didn't know what it was, but he felt clingy, he felt like holding the small ginger to him and never letting go, he felt like bending over backwards to give Alan everything he ever desired.

"I'm sorry for making you worry," Alan mumbled softly into the brunettes chest.

"You're okay, that's all that matters," Austin said, shaking his head before pressing another kiss to the top of the gingers head.

They stayed stood there for a few more minutes, Austin just soaking up as much as he possibly could of the small ginger in his arms, until they pulled apart, Alan's cheeks slightly flushed from all the affectionate kisses on his head and words Austin said as they had stood there.

"So you went to a park?" The brunette questioned as he grabbed Alan's hand and pulled them over to the couch, where they sat, Alan in his laps, arms wrapped around his neck and soft giggles tumbling from his lips as Austin pressed little kisses to his neck.

"Yeah, I just got so bored being cramped up in here all day, everyday. I thought that it would be nice to actually go outside and explore just a little and do something a little interesting for once since I can't get back into work until once the doctor think I'm one-hundred percent cleared," Alan said, sounding a little sad that it made Austin's heart clench.

"You could just say so and we can go wherever you'd like, you know that, right?" Austin asked, pressing a kiss to Alan's neck. It was soft and tender like, much like how his lips were, but they hadn't kissed yet even though Austin was craving to do so dearly, but if he did, then he'd really be cheating and be pulled back into his old ways. He couldn't let that happen.

"I know, but I also really like staying in with you and cuddling and being close, and if we're out doing things, then we can't exactly be close and cuddle and... I don't know," Alan mumbled, his cheeks flushing a deep red. Austin laughed, earning a rather adorable glare from the ginger sat in his lap.

"You're so cute," Austin snorted, pressing a kiss to the gingers cheek. "Come on, let's go back to the park for a little bit."

"What? Seriously?" Alan asked, though Austin could see that he was slightly growing excited. God, he really was adorable.

"Yes, seriously. Come on," the brunette said and carefully removed Alan from his lap before grabbing his keys and phone from where they were laid on the coffee table. Alan let out a little squeal, definitely sounding like a small child as he hurried to the door.

And they did go to the park, basking in the warm sunlight as the both of them had the time of their lives. Austin had pushed Alan on the swings before they decided to walk around to look at the fish and ducks that swam around in the lake. It was perfect, beautiful, and Austin wasn't sure how we was able to contain himself. His heart kept swelling and he felt like he was going to burst with so much excitement as he stole glances toward the ginger beside him, holding his hand.

Alan was once again stealing his heart, just like he had when they first got together, and honestly, Austin was finding it harder and harder to stay with Justin and lie to him.



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