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Justin was being, well, distant. Austin wasn't sure what to make of it, because every time he asked if something was wrong, Justin would get nervous, or start fidgeting, and laughing nervously as he said everything was fine. The brunette was growing curious, but he tried to not think much about it, just like he tried not to think about how a few days ago he and Alan were pushed up against each other, kissing and biting one another like there was no tomorrow. He knew they shouldn't have gotten carried away so easily, and Austin knew he shouldn't have given in so easily to his temptations, especially because now he had to wear make-up on his neck to cover the thousands of hickies on his skin that Alan gave him, though he didn't really mind. They were a daily reminder and Austin didn't want to forget.

"Hey, you ready to go?" The brunette asked, stopping at Justin's desk and leaning against it slightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry babe, but I've still got a lot of paperwork to go through and it's got to be done by tomorrow and I'm far behind on it. You go ahead and go," Justin said, leaving Austin to frown slightly. Justin was never behind on paperwork, he was always well organized and was on top of things, but Austin knew that his boyfriend hadn't been feeling very well the last couple days, and because of that, he'd left work early one day. Maybe that's why he was behind.

"Okay, well, just, call me when you get home and I'll stop by and we can have dinner together, yeah?" Austin said, Justin smiled and nodded as he stood up and pressed a kiss to the brunettes cheek.

Austin left after that, biting down on his bottom lip as he left out of the building. He wasn't too sure if he wanted to go see Alan or not, because now he knew that he wouldn't be able to hold himself back, and because he wouldn't be able to hold himself back, he'd more than likely end up in bed with Alan doing... things that would for sure make the brunette break from guilt afterwards.

But maybe things wouldn't end up like that. Maybe they'd just have a relaxing rest of the afternoon and watch movies together while being cuddled up beneath fuzzy blankets, or maybe they'd go to the park together and enjoy some time there.

It wasn't that Austin didn't want to have sex with Alan, or to be with him romantically in that way, because he did, God he really did, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to do that to Justin or Alan. He didn't want to break their hearts, even though he knew he would somehow, in someway, in the end.

And boy, was it going to be a real train wreck whenever one of them found out about what was going on.


Austin frowned slightly as he stood outside Alan's apartment. He gave into his temptations and cravings and headed over to Alan's apartment- not before heading over to a take out place and getting them something to eat-, because he so desperately wanted to see the ginger, especially now because he was crowding Austin's thoughts- like he always did.

But Austin stopped in his tracks outside the gingers apartment door, frowning as he heard voices from inside, but the voices didn't sound like they were coming from a Tv, no, it sounded like Alan was talking to someone and the worst case scenarios ran through the brunettes hair as he unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Hey Aust," Alan said from the couch, a big happy smile on his face. Austin's heart slowed down in his chest, though not by much. Alan was in fact talking to someone, that being Michael- though Austin thought that, for some reason, it would be Justin.

"Hey baby," Austin greeted, kicking his shoes off. "I brought you something to eat."

Alan smiled widely as he stood and walked over to where the brunette was stood, taking the bag that contained the take out from his hand before pressing a kiss to his cheek. The ginger wandered off into the kitchen while Austin stayed stood by the door.

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