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Austin groaned in annoyance as as loud ringing woke him from his sleep. He swore, if this was another damn prank call, he was going to start a fight. He had important business to attend to in the morning and he had to he up early to get ready.

Justin, the brunettes boyfriend, mumbled incoherent words and rolled away from Austin as the man sat up and reached for his phone, squinting at the bright light as it shone directly in his face before he answered it.

"Hello?" Austin snapped, rather rudely, but it was two o'clock in the morning.

"Yes, hi, is this Austin Carlile?" A lady's voice asked from the other line. The brunette rolled his eyes, refraining from saying more rude and vulgar words.

"Yes, why are you calling me?" Austin questioned.

"I'm calling because you're listed as an emergency contact for Alan Ashby," she said. Austin felt even more anger boil up inside of him at the mention of his ex boyfriend. He didn't want anything to do with him after their fight that made them break up, but as the lady continued on, the anger quickly went away.

"He was in a car crash and was rushed to the hospital, we ask if you come up here quickly."

Austin didn't know what to say or think, he just knew that his blood ran cold and he was muttering an, "okay", before he dashed out of bed, threw on a pair of clothes and ran from the house and out to his car, quickly, but carefully, rushing to the hospital.

He ran inside after parking the car, rushing to the front desk and asking rather breathlessly where Alan Ashby was. He shouldn't care this much. This was his ex boyfriend, the one who broke his heart, but strangely, he did. He cared more about Alan's well-being at this point than he did his own.

"Sir, please calm down, I can't understand anything you're saying," the lady said.

"Alan Ashby. I got a call that he was in an accident. Where the hell is he?" Austin snapped, demanding to know where he was.

"He's in the emergency room," the lady pointed toward a direction, and before she could say anymore, Austin was taking off in that direction, running past people in the hallway that looked at him funny or yelled at him to stop running, but he didn't care nor did he listen.

The brunette got to the front desk in the emergency room section, once again asking for Alan. Before she could speak, a doctor showed up, clipboard in hand and a small smile on her face.

"I'm Doctor Jardine, you must be Austin, Alan's boyfriend," she said.

"N-No, we um, broke up months ago," the brunette said, shaking his head.

"Well, it seems that Alan has a different opinion," she said. Austin looked at her, confused as ever.

"What do you mean?"

"When the car collided with Alan's, he hit his head pretty hard with so much force that he almost cracked his skull, but luckily he didn't, it's just that...he's lost his memory, how many months or years, I don't know. All we know so far is that when he came to, he was crying and asking for his boyfriend, saying his name was Austin," Doctor Jardine explained. "There's not much damage to anywhere else on his body, he's got some cuts and bruises and there might be a slight possibility of his ankle being fractured, but we're not finished with taking scans and tests." Austin stood there, barely registering what she was saying.

All he knew was that Alan lost his memory and he was stuck with the memory of him and Austin still being together.

"You can go to that room right there to see him, I think it would be best so that he'll calm down," Doctor Jardine said, and all Austin could do was nod as he walked over to the room where Alan was.

He pulled back the curtain, seeing that Alan was crying heavily, clutching a pillow to his chest. He looked up when he heard the curtain moving, bursting into tears again as he saw the brunette.

"I-I don't know what's h-happening! They w-won't let me leave!" Alan sobbed.

"Baby," Austin cooed, rushing over to the bed.

"Why a-am I here, A-Aust?" Alan questioned.

"You were in a car accident, baby," the brunette explained. Alan's eyes widened and filled with more tears as he shook his head quickly.

"No! No, I-I don't remember t-that! W-Why can't I-I remember t-that?!" The ginger screamed. This was scary, really scary and it was breaking Austin's heart seeing the ginger like this.

"You hit your head, the doctor said you lost your memory so you don't remember anything that's happened," Austin explained.

Alan whimpered and hugged the pillow to his chest. This couldn't be possible, how did this happen and why couldn't he remember?!

"I need you to calm down, baby, okay? Can you do that?" Austin asked softly as he reached forward and brushed away some tears from the gingers cheek.

This was all wrong for him to be doing this. It was technically cheating, but the brunette didn't care. Alan was hurt, he didn't remember a single thing, and as much as he shouldn't be doing this, he knew he needed to be here. Even if they weren't together anymore, and even though somewhere inside Austin hated the mention of his ex boyfriend, he still cared and seeing the boy hurt, hurt him also.

After a few minutes, Alan had calmed down some, though he was still crying. Austin was now sat on the bed, the ginger in his arms as he gently rubbed his hand up and down his back. This was wrong, but he didn't see himself pulling away.

"I-I just don't get i-it," Alan whispered softly. "I want to re-remember, but I can't."

"It takes time, Al," Austin said, pressing a kiss to the top of the gingers head.

The ginger sighed and nodded before lifting his head and looking at the brunette. "Are we... are we still together?"

"I..." Austin didn't know what to say. He didn't want to break the news to him, because that would make things worse, but he couldn't lie and say yes because Justin would be angry with him and Austin really liked him...but he still had feelings for the ginger whether he admitted and liked it or not.

"Yeah, we are."

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