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       "Father?" questioned young Y/N, "Can you teach me how to shoot one of those someday?" She pointed at the gun that was pridefully perched atop one of her fathers highest shelves. Most of the time, Y/N will spend half of her day sitting on her father's desk, watching the gun's glass casing glow under the candles' dim light. Of course, her mother would always punish her for wasting her time watching a gun when she should be learning how to cook and clean. 'Do you believe any man would want to be your suitor if you can't cook or clean?' 

       Her father would tell her mother that she shouldn't be worrying about this stuff at this age, Y/N's only job right now was to have fun and learn as much as she could before she would have to leave her family for her future husband. That is why Y/N's father taught her how to read and write and by the time she was thirteen years of age, she wrote her first book, displaying it to her father and their servants yet keeping it a secret from her mother. She would scold Y/N if she ever found out about her interests in literature, law, and guns. 

       Now, at age eighteen, Y/N has been begging her father for lessons on how to shoot a gun, her excuse always being that she has to be prepared for anything that comes her way. As suspected, father says no every time, so this time shouldn't be any different.

       "Y/N, come here," father stood from his seat and walked over to kneel in front of Y/N's sitting frame. "If you can give me one very good reason as to why I should teach you how to fire a gun, then I may consider it."

       Y/N's eyes lit up lighter than the ten candles in father's office. She grinned widely at her father before checking to see if her mother was anywhere near the office. "It seems, father, as if you have not been listening to my previous reason: I need to be prepared for anything that happens. What i-"

       "'What if' what, Y/N?" Interrupted her father, "As long as you have me and your brothers around, neither you nor your mother will be in any danger."

       "But father, have you not noticed how the people are acting out in the streets? They're petrified about just the thought of King George wreaking havoc across the colonies. I hate to admit it, but it appears as though there will be a war surfacing our land. British troops are stationed at every corner, men are creating riots every three days and you can't walk two paces out if your home without someone yelling 'The Brits are coming'. Father, please," Y/N took her fathers large hands into her small ones, "Teach me how to defend myself if a war would ever reach our land. Please."

       Her father looked at his daughter in bewilderment. 'She has a point', he thought, 'I could not bear to know that my family died because I refused to teach my daughter how to defend herself'. His hand cupped one side of Y/N's face, "Do not tell your mother."

       Y/N looked up at her father as another wave of excitement rushed over her, "Oh! Thank you, father! I promise you that you will not regret it!"

       "Good, good, now go help your mother with supper and tell her I'll be down in a minute. Then tomorrow you and I can depart to the woods near the house before sunrise and I'll teach you how to fire, reload, and properly hold a gun."

       The h/c girl nodded her head and pecked her father on the cheek before flattening out her dress and scurrying to the kitchen to help her mother with the food. "He won't regret it", she said to herself, "I'll prove it to him. One day, I'll blow them all away."

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