~~Chapter Twenty-Seven~~

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Author's Note-- The first person to comment what the picture above represents and in what way it is connected to Hamilton will have the next chapter dedicated to them. This shouldn't be too hard, but good luck anyway!

       Alexander has been distant lately. Not the type of 'I am busy' distant, but the 'I do not wish to speak with you, much less see you' distant. Philip, being the oldest and most aware, has noticed this and has applied much more to his studies in an attempt to get my mind off the situation.

       Sadly, it does not work, for I have dedicated my life to loving Alexander and he does not seem to care anymore. You cannot just stop loving someone who has gotten too far under your skin. They stay there and as much as you try to shake them off you can't. It is impossible. And it hurts when they ignore you this way. It hurts when Alexander decides to disregard my existence.

       "Mother." Philip tapped my shoulder, making me turn away from the window. He handed me an letter and smiled, but that did not remove the pain-stricken expression on my face. My son sighed and embraced me. "It's a letter from Martha Washington."

       Using only my eyes, I thanked him and allowed him to exit the room. 

       Dear Y/N,

                I could not help but notice your shift in mood lately. As much as I would like to ask why the sudden change, I know that it would be imprudent, so I will keep my questions to myself. I wish to tell you that I am planning on taking a day off of being a house-held wife, and I suggest you do the same. I am inviting you to go to the town with me—get your mind off things and enjoy your life. Please, respond as soon as you can.

                      Best wishes,

                                  M. Wash

       Maybe I should go with her. I have been housebound for too long and it has certainly had an impact on me. My free hand fidgeted with my nightgown as I wrote a letter to Martha with my dominant hand. I called Philip and told him to deliver it to her, ushering him out of the room and changing into a red dress.

 I called Philip and told him to deliver it to her, ushering him out of the room and changing into a red dress

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       Alexander gulped when he saw me climb down the stairs. "Where are you going?"

       "Martha invited me to take a walk around the town." I told him. "Is there a problem?"

       He seemed to be debating in his mind whether to say something or not. In the end, he took a deep breath and said it. "Could you change dresses?"


       "I do not like that shade of red. Change it."


       "Change. It. Now." He gritted his teeth. I frowned at him and walked back up the stairs, removing the dress from my body and slipping into a different one.

 I frowned at him and walked back up the stairs, removing the dress from my body and slipping into a different one

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       As I passed by him, I did not speak a word. I continued to walk until I reached the door and slammed it shut once I exited my home. My legs took me past the carriages, the ground turning from cobblestone to dirt and finally stone. I strolled down the streets and eventually made it to the shop I was supposed to meet Martha in. Just as suspected, she was waiting for me next to a large bookshelf.

       "Are you ready, Martha?" 

       She looked at me and smiled. "Of course I am."


       We walked around the streets, occasionally stopping at a small shop to investigate. Along the way we encountered many familiar people—Thomas Jefferson was one of them.

       He is impossible to miss: a tall man with a large amount of hair on his head and in a velvet-purple suit. How can you not spot him from a mile away? Like he always does, Thomas swaggered over to us and smirked. "Hello, you stunning women. How are you today?"

       "I was doing quite well until you decided to show up, Mr. Jefferson." I told him. 

       He stuck out his bottom lip and groaned, placing the palm of his hand on his heart. "That truly does hurt me, Y/N. But I am becoming fond of you referring to me as 'Mr. Jefferson'. I like it." He slowly got closer to me. Closer to the point where I was backing into a wall because he kept moving. "I am also very interested as to why I never see you with a velvet dress on. It suited you very well—almost as well as my last name would suit your first name. Imagine it: Y/N Jefferson. It sounds about right."

       "No, it does not." I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him away from me, walking towards Martha. "If you would please leave me and Martha alone."

       "Alright Ms. Y/N, if you want me to I will. Just remember how nice your name would be if it was accompanied by 'Jefferson' instead of 'Hamilton'."


       Martha and I ate lunch and returned to our homes, agreeing that we should do stuff like this more often. Once I entered my house, Philip ran towards me and engulfed me in a warm hug. Marie soon embraced me as well, attempting to push Philip away from me so she could hug me by herself. I laughed at their sudden sibling-rivalry, reminding me of the many times me, Elijah, Niklaus me James would fight. Of course, it was never in a physical, but more in a mental way. We would compete over who could write an essay on freedom of speech in less than two hours. Due to the weeks I spent practicing my literary skills with father, I won the bet. 

       A knock on the door behind me interrupted the bonding time I was currently having with my children. I directed them to go to their rooms and fixed my dress before opening the door. A woman in a cherry red dress stood with her dark brown hair in her eyes. She seemed to be around twenty-three years of age, her fisique quite risqué. "I am here to deliver this letter to Mr. Hamilton."

       I took the letter in my hands and thanked her before shutting the door. I walked over to Alexander's office, all the while wondering why a woman such as her would deliver a letter to my husband. Does she have a connection with him? Is her husband a friend of Alexander? How is she linked to him? The temptation to open the letter almost overwhelmed me, but I managed to prevent myself from doing so, knowing that it would be wrong. 

       I opened the door to Alexander's office, my husband rushing to me to keep me from entering the room. I shrugged it off. "A woman came to deliver this to you. She seemed a bit scandalous."

       "Did she say anything to you?" He questioned frantically.

       "Only that she was here to give you this letter." My eyebrows kitted together. "Alexander, is there something wrong?"

       "No, no not at all. Go to sleep, Y/N. I will be upstairs with you in a moment, I just need to write something."

       I walked away from him and made my way upstairs, slipping into my nightgown and covering myself with the sheets. How is that girl connected to Alexander?

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