~~Chapter Twenty~~

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Author's Note-- This chapter is for RoseAndKitty and _Angelica_Schuyler_ . If you feel uncomfortable reading about sexual stuff, then do not read this chapter. By the way, I added a couple extra scenes after the sexual part, so if you wish to skip to there, then go right ahead. I hope that the people who requested this are satisfied. I tried my best.

       Alexander began to plant kisses on the side of my neck, gripping my waist tightly as he trailed his left hand up and down my sides. 

       "Alexander," I breathed. I felt him chuckle against my skin, interlocking his hand in mine as he led me across the patio. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked out of my family's territory and headed towards my husband's home. When we arrived, he sat me down on the sofa and pressed his lips against mine, every movement he did filled with passion. His fingers began to fumble with the gold buttons on his coat, removing the offensive piece of clothing. 

       He parted ways with my lips and instead began to nibble at my ear lobe, "How good are you in bed?"

       "I sleep quite well, thank you." I giggled. Alexander grumbled lowly as he unpinned my h/c hair. He began to undo the knot that held my dress together, sliding it off my body. 

       "You are beautiful, amica mea," his voice sent enchanting waves of sound through my ears, mimicking a lyre's soft sound. Just like that Greek instrument, the noise ricocheted off the walls and made its way back to me. "Your gorgeous e/c eyes are pearlescent. Did you have knowledge of that?" 

       His lips began to bite at my neck's skin, using his tongue to graze over the sore spot. He moved away from my neck and attacked my lips, removing the top part of his clothing. His hands pulled me closer to him as he layed down on the sofa. Alexander began to get rid of our clothing, leaving them derelict on the floor. In the end, we were left exposed to each other's eyes.

       He raked his teeth across his bottom lips as he pressed them against mine, rubbing his thumbs against the sides of the center of my stomach. His hands slowly went lower down my body, stopping when they reached the back of my thighs. He rested his forehead on mine. "Are you positive about this, mon amour?"

       I nodded my head, "I love you, Alexander."

       "I love you, too," he smiled as he positioned himself at my entrance and pushed in slowly. Treacherously. Never have been in this situation before--my purity slowly slipping away from me--tears of pain began to sting my eyes. It felt as though something was penetrating my Achilles heel--a bullet. Except, of course, many would say that I am overweening the situation, which I most likely am. 

       As I began to whine in pain, Alexander moved my h/c hair out of my sweat-beaded face, kissing my lips softly. He whispered soothing words into my ear, minimizing the burning sensation that rose in my lower abdomen. Eventually, the pain dissolved, replaced by a................good feeling, per se. It felt pleasurable even--causing an inadvertent sound to escape my slightly parted lips. Alexander took this as a signal to move, the friction he created resembling a thaumaturge's abilities. 

         "A-Alexander," he moved faster, his hips rolling up and down, bringing my body onto his. I began to release embarrassingly loud sounds, the sudden urge to make the pleasure come faster overtaking me. "May i-it be in my po-o-w-wer t-t-"

       As if reading my thoughts, he pushed further into me, groaning into my collarbone as his muscles bulged astonishingly. My body temperature began to rise rapidly, bodily fluids mixing with the man above me. Alexander squeezed my hips and he groaned, grunted, and cursed under his breath. He lifted his lust-stricken face, kissing my lips hungrily. 

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