~~Chapter One~~

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       They're taking me away from him. I can't let them take me away from him! They can't take me away from him! 

       I struggled against my brothers' grip as my feet flailed around in an attempt to get to father's side. Don't they know that he's dying? Don't they realize that? The illness in his lungs is slowly killing him and he'll die in agony if no one's by his side. They can't just let him die alone! 

       My mother walked towards me, pain evident in her eyes. She suddenly lost her formality, all in the span of a millisecond, her arms held me close as something wet began to stain the sleeves of my dress. The longer she hugged me the worse the situation got. He's truly a goner isn't he? There's nothing we can do to save him, his life is hanging by a thread and no one is close enough to pull him back from death. He's leaving me. 

       I shook my head in denial and pushed my way to the room father is in. Everyone keeps calling for me, but I don't care. I have to be with him. I have to say goodbye. The room I entered is dull looking and it smells like wet dirt. The bed in the center of the room has what seems like a lump of bedsheets, yet it forms a body-like figure. The closer you get to the bed the more you realize: that's a body, a dying, lonely body with no one by its side. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I kneeled down beside the bed, my hand taking the body's hand and squeezing it tightly, "Father? Please, c-come back to m-me. I need yo-ou here with-th me. Please, don't leave!"

       A dry sound left my father's chapped lips in an attempt to speak, "Y/N, I need you to be stro- *cough, cough*--strong for your mother and your brothers. Remember when you said that you wanted to protect yourself from anything that came your way?"

       "Father, I hardly believe that this is the proper time t-"

       "This is coming your way now, Y/N *cough, cough, cough, wheeze* defend yourself from the war you're currently fighting, the one that's going on in your heart. Fight as hard as you can and win the war, make me proud, my daughter."

       I struggled to keep the tears from flooding my e/c eyes, my free hand bunching up the fabric of my dress, "Father, please, don't leave. Mother and I need you here, Niklaus and James and Elijah all need you here so please, don't abandon us. I'm begging you."

       He didn't respond. All he did was stare at the ceiling of the room in deep thought. At least I thought he was, until the large hand that I was holding turned cold and limp; no more life left in it. My eyes widened as I stood up and caressed the side of my father's face, trying to get any response from him. Nothing happened. The glimmer in his e/c eyes slowly faded away. My orbs me came misty once more as I realized what had happened. He left. He's gone.............

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