~~Chapter Twenty-Nine~~

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Author's Note-- The sign N/N will show up in this chapter and possibly in future chapters. If you have not guessed it yet, it stands for Nickname. The songs that I used were: the workshop version of 'Schuyler Defeated' and 'Let It Go', a song that was supposed to be in the musical but was cut out.

       "Look!" Philip came rushing through the door, not bothering to close it. "Uncle Elijah's in the paper!" He practically shoved the newspaper in front of me—he read it out loud. "'Brilliant hero Elijah L/N in danger of losing senate seat to young upstart Aaron Burr.' Uncle Elijah might lose his seat in the senate."

       I looked down at the paper. "I thought he was unopposed." Although my brother was planning on retiring in three to four years, he still has a family to maintain. He cannot lose his job.

       "Not according to the paper he isn't."

        If these news have made their way onto the paper, then people will be knocking on our door to question us. I turned to Philip. "Go make sure the door is closed." He quickly rushed to close and lock the door.

       He came back, paper still in his hands. "Further down, further down. See L/N has a challenger from New York."

       "New York."

       We trailed our fingers down the page, reading together. "For Senator: Burr."

       "I gotta go." I took the newspaper from Philip and raced to the door, "I gotta find Alexander."

       My son followed me and gently grabbed my arm. "Let him know we're on his side."

       "No. He'll consider this a personal slander." Oh no. Alexander is relentless and will not stand to see his good name stained by anyone. Even his closest comrades. He will not stop until the perpetrator is gone. I gasped as my eyes widened at the thought of Alexander killing Aaron Burr. "I've gotta stop a homicide."


       I ran outside, Philip following very close behind. We stopped once we reached the streets outside our property. "Look around. We should look around. Let's go and find your father down in New York."

       "New York." I held onto Philip's arm as we sprinted through the crowded streets and boulevards. As suspected, people glanced at us with confused and shocked expressions. I knew that it was due to the fact that I am running with my son at full speed and because Elijah is at a difficult position at the moment. Rumors will spread—I'm ready.


       We kept running into people as we neared the center of New York. In the distance, I could see a man in a green coat arguing with another man in a brown coat. 

       "Beware, it goeth before the fall." The men were close enough now to hear their conversation. Burr looked at Alexander with a neutral face while my husband seemed to be preparing to kill Aaron.

       I neared the two men, panting as Philip caught up. "Alexander, there you are."

       "N/N." Alexander placed a hand on my shoulder to help me catch my breath. While I was slightly hunched over, I managed to create a believable excuse in my mind. As much as I am sure Alexander won't physically hurt me, the thought still lingers in one part of my mind. "You forgot your papers." I slowly raised myself and fixed my posture. A kind smile appeared on my lips as I looked at Aaron. "Mr. Burr, good sir, it's been so long. How are the Theodosias?"

       Aaron grinned as he played with his fingers—he seemed to be in deep thought. I assumed that he was revisiting wonderful memories, at least until his smile dropped. "As a matter of fact, my wife had taken ill."

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