~~Chapter Nineteen~~

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 Author's Note-- Wedding bands (rings) with messages engraved in them were very popular in the 1700s.

                                  December 14, 1781

       "Mother," I choked out, "Too--tight." The corset mother was tying was practically squeezing the air out of my body, my face turning a light shade of purple. I began to swat her hand away, "Mother."

       She did not listen. Her hands kept tightening the corset until someone walked into the room. One of the servants, Marie, came into my field of vision. She gasped at my slightly purple face and, in the most mannerly way possible, snatched the corset ties away from my mother.

       When I turned around, corset finally at a comfortable setting, mother looked outraged. Her eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. "You stupid slave! Can you not see that my dau-"

       "Mother!" I placed a friendly hand on the servants shoulder, "Never call her or any of our servants a slave. That is such a foul word. Don't you see that?"

       Marie sent me a small, yet kind smile, mouthing a 'thank you' to me. Mother looked from me to Marie and vise-versa. She scowled at us, "You can get ready for your wedding by your lonesome then." And with that she stomped out of the room, slamming the door shut. 

       I looked at the girl that was standing beside me. "I am truly sorry about her behavior. You do not deserve those cruel words she spoke of you."

       "Th-Thank you. I-I could help you prepare for your wedding, if you'd l-like."

       I smiled at Marie, "That would be wonderful, thank you."


       My white dress spun around me, the fabric twirling graciously. Marie clapped excitedly at my appearance and looked at me in awe. "You look absolutely stunning, Ms. L/N. You are by far the best looking bride I have seen in my sixteen years of life."

       "Thank you, Marie. And please, refer to me as Y/N." She smiled at me as she pulled my h/c hair into a gorgeous hairdo. How could such a nice maiden such as her be stuck in a non-paying job? Slavery isn't even a job! She was forced to do this! She had no choice! Why would someone do this to her? She does not deserve the horrendous life she is living. Marie is much more than just a slave, she is an intelligent young lady full of potential. Sadly, this will be her profession for the rest of her life. That is unless mother decides to set her free, which I highly doubt she would do.

       "Are you ready to get married, M- Y/N?" Marie questioned as she fixed the skirt of my dress. 

       "I am, Marie."

       "Is he a good man?"

       "He is wonderful."

       "Pardon me if I am inprudent, but do you love him?"

       I took Marie's hands in my own and smiled, "I love him with all my heart." The girl looked at the floor, a tiny grin appearing on her face. "Has any man caught your eye, Marie?"

       "Well, there is someone, but it's not important. Just a silly liking I took in him." She shook her head.

       A soft giggle escaped my slightly parted lips, "Please, do tell."

       "His name is James. Magnificent boy he is, and quite the gentleman. Do not tell the Mistress, but he and I walk around the sugar cane plantations at times, enjoying each other's company. However, me being a slave and him being a poor man's son, I am afraid our relationship might never work out."

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