~~Chapter Nine~~

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Author's Note-- The Winter's Ball actually happened in the winter of 1779-1780 (I'm guessing somewhere in between the ends of December and the beginnings of January), where Alexander Hamilton met Elizabeth Schuyler. In fact, it wasn't until December 14, 1780, that they got married.

                                      1779, A Winter's Ball

       It still feels quite impossible for me to believe that I've been fighting in the revolution for four years. Exactly five years ago my father had arranged a ball, similar to this one, to find me a suitor. I was seventeen years of age at the time, and now I'm close to being courted at a late age. Once you turn the age of twenty-five and you still have not been courted, then your luck is running out. You'll be the ridicule of the town and be known forevermore, even if you have found a suitor, as the woman who wasn't married before she turned twenty-five. Luckily, I still have two years left until my time is due to court. And this ball is exactly what will help that occur.

       General Washington allowed us to travel home for this ball since he will be attending it as well. He hoped that we would find a woman to court or, in my case, a man who would court me. John offered to pretend to have courted me so that my family wouldn't be ashamed to even speak my name, but I refused. I have to prove to them that I'm doing just fine without their assistance and that I will find a suitor who is wealthy and will treat me like a woman, not a peasant or a slave. 

       "So, Y/N," John walked into my boudoir, Alexander, Lafayette, and Hercules following suit, "What would a lady such as yourself be wearing at this extravagant event?" I let out a second-long chuckle, walking towards my closet, but only bringing Lafayette and Hercules with me and pushing John and Alexander out of my room.

       My fellow French friend looked utterly confused, looking behind him to see Hercules smirking his ass off. "Mes ami, what is this?" 

       "Well, I need help deciding on what to wear, and due as though Hercules is a tailor and you have an exquisite taste in clothing, I was wondering if you'd assist me in picking out my ball dress."

       Hercules dropped the smirk, replacing it with a smile, "I have the honor to be your obedient servant, Ms. L/N," he grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it, elbowing Lafayette in the stomach to do the same. The Frenchman mimicked Hercules' actions, "I would be happy to assist you, ma chérie."

       It took us three hours, but we finally decided on the most stunning dress we could find in my closet. When I brought out the dressed and placed it on the bed, the sun shined through the indent in my dark drapes, reflecting on the piece jewelry I placed beside it. 

        "Where are you taking me, father?" Giggled five year old Y/N, "Is it far?"

       Father looked at me and chuckled, "You ask too many questions, my dear. Just wait a little longer, and you'll see what's so important."

       It took them about five more treacherous minutes to arrive at the secret destination, but they made it. The usual dark oak trees in the forest behind Y/N's house faded away and soon disappeared, the forest opening into a grassy field, random patches of flowers every three feet or so. Y/N's eyes widened as her field of view hitched on a checkered blanket sprawled under a grand oak tree. The only tree in the field.

       "Father, I-" Y/N was suddenly interrupted by a thin black box, father pulling it out for her to grab. He motioned her to reveal the contents inside. So she did. The sun outside reflected perfectly on it, but that wasn't what made the necklace especially special. Call it fate, luck, a coincidence. Anything you want. To Y/N, it was a totem. A totem that held love instead of magic. A totem that she would cherish for the rest of her life. A totem that, although it was quite musky, still managed to mirror father's e/c eyes, his smile.

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