~~Chapter Fifteen~~

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Author's Note-- First off, we hit 600 reads! We've made it! Just 400 more and we hit 1,000 reads! Secondly, I was checking the demographics for this book, and I found out that I have American, Canadian, and Australian readers! How amazing is that?! Comment where you're from, I'd really like to know! Anywho, enjoy the chapter.

                                December 30, 1780

      John and Lafayette raced into the tent, breaking my focus on the pamphlet in my hands. The Frenchman was panting while the freckled man was smiling like a boy of six years. I instantly knew why Laurens was so giddy. He's back. I've been dreading this day ever since Lafayette came in with that piece of parchment. Does he have to be back? Can I switch tents? It does not matter to me whether I get reasonable messmates or sexist ones, as long as I do not have to share my sleeping room with a man who claims to love me. We all have full knowledge that he doesn't and that his 'feelings' for me are staged, a scam to trick me into raising my hopes just for Alexander to put them down. I wouldn't be surprised if this was an act. After all, every man in this camp--excluding John, Lafayette, Hercules, and General Washington--believes I am not capable of fighting in the war because of my sex. I've come this far, haven't I? I will not stand to see my reputation be destroyed by some silly butterflies that appear in my stomach every time Alexander states that he loves me--even in his letters.  

       "Mes amie, there's something we wish for you to see." Panted the Frenchman.

       "He's back, Y/N!" John practically squealed, completely overreacting about Alexander's arrival, "Alexander has returned!" He sprinted over to me and grabbed my hand, shoving past a wheezing Lafayette. I would have assisted Lafayette in returning to a normal state, but John didn't allow me to as he pulled me out of the tent. 

       General Washington stepped out of his tent once a figure in the distance neared the camp. Blue-coated soldiers flooded the campsite, some rolling their eyes and others smiling for they have become acquainted with Alexander. The General walked towards the figure, it arriving at the camp. Alexander gripped his satchel tightly with his left hand as he saluted the General with his right. General Washington exchanged a few words with Alexander before letting him fully enter the campsite. His acquaintances welcomed him while his enemies stomped back inside their tents (his enemies happened to be Charles Lee's good friends). 

       John let go of my hand and raced over to Alexander, his intentions purely on hugging him, yet he merely shook his hand, patted his back, and swung his arm around his shoulders as he led Alexander towards me. For some odd reason I was incapable of moving. In my mind, I'm trying to go, but my feet are stuck to the ground like a mosquito to a sappy tree. Alexander approached me. I want to move. Why can't I move?! Let me move!

       He reached out for my hand, and I couldn't say no to him. Hell, I couldn't even snatch my hand away. I saw a slight smirk toy with his lips as he raised my hand to them. His eyes looked up to mine as he lifted his head, my hand still in his. He had gradually scooted closer to me, since he our faces were inches apart when he returned to his normal posture. "It's good to see your face again, amica mea."

       A painful, burning sensation raised to my cheeks as I replayed those two words in my head. Amica mea. My father would call mother that. Amica mea. It is a Latin phrase, meaning my love. Alexander Hamilton imprudently called me his love. And I did not necessarily.........dislike it. The flutters began to fill my stomach as I--in an unladylike way--choked out a few words. "It's good to see you too, Alexander."

       He smirked as he laced his fingers with mine and led me inside the tent. Lafayette immediately stood from his bed and greeted Alexander, thanking him for the encouragement in learning the English language. I discreetly seperated my hand from Alexander's and walked towards my bed, sitting down and opening the pamphlet from earlier. 'Common Sense' by Thomas Paine. Quite an interesting read I suppose, the intent to teach us about the Revolution. It was published in 1776, however, so it is not very relevant--but that doesn't make it any less appealing. 

       The spot next to me sagged down as someone occupied that area. Seeing as though I did not raise my head to figure out who it was, the unknown person lowered the pamphlet, away from my field of view. I kept my eyes down, nevertheless. The person huffed as they lifted my chin in a familiar manner. Those eyes. Oh, look at those eyes. A darker brown than heavily added cacao to a chocolate mixture, yet softer than any silk or linen. Compared to a deep void, those eyes are easier to get lost in. And that is exactly why my orbs are fixated on his. 

       I watched as his pupils dilated--or enlarged--when they found mine. A warm hand began to rub itself against mine, eventually grabbing it and giving it an affectionate squeeze. Suddenly, the world froze. Nothing moved. Not even myself. Everything stood still and no noises were made or heard. It felt.....calming. This honestly feels much better than being in the normal time pace, where everything is loud and everything moves. I like the world better this was.

       Of course, something had to snap me back into reality. 

       John's arms wrapped around my shoulders as he jumped on my bed. He engulfed both me and Alexander into a bone crushing hug. "I'm so glad that you are back, Alexander! We all missed your presence." He lowered his mouth into the ruffled part of his uniform, but I could still make out some of his spoken sentences, one of them being 'some more than others'. When he lifted his mouth again, a wide grin was contaminating it. "We have to celebrate. It's an obligation!"

       I shook my head. "We cannot celebrate this. Not without Hercules."

       "Hercules would want us to celebrate this, Y/N!" Explained John, "He would have led us to the guillotine if we didn't get drunk off our asses tonight. What do you say, Y/N? Alexander?" He looked between me and the immigrant. "It's gonna be fun. Right, Laf?" Lafayette glanced up from his letter and nodded, not paying full attention to John. "See? Laf approves. So?"

       Alexander nodded his head and chuckled, "We will be celebrating tonight, John."

       The two men looked at me with pleading eyes, waiting for my response. Should I stay or should I go? I mean, what is the worst that could happen? 


       The world around me began to spin as I slammed the empty mug of beer on the table. Next to the newly added container were five other ones, all of them completely drained. The same amount of empty mugs sat in front of my three friends, who looked quite swirly and colorful from my point of view. 

     John began to move drunkly in his seat as Lafayette banged his head on the table repeatedly. Alexander, on the other hand, was complaining about the government's lack of effort to help the revolution. 'It seems as though they don't want us to win' he claims, his speech obviously a bit slurred. I am currently trying to pry Alexander's hands away from my waist. He clings onto me every time he feels even remotely dizzy. If a small portion of his view starts to swirl, he instantly grabs my waist and holds on for dear life.

       "Y/N, I know that you've never believed me," slurred Alexander, "but I love you. I want to court you. Let me court you!" He looked over at John who was singing a song about turtles. "But I also want to court John. John! My man! Come here and help me give Y/N a hug! You too, Laf!"

       The two men on the opposite side of the table stumbled over to me and Alexander, engulfing me in an embrace. Lafayette petted my hair as he rested his head on my shoulder, "Did I ever tell you about Adrienne, Y/N? She sends me a letter of amour every day. She is wonderful." He stood from his sitting position and climbed onto the table, "Je t'aime, Adrienne!"

       I smiled as my half-closed eyes began to drop, "Good, good. That's very nice, mon ami." Alexander tightened his grip around my waist.

       "Can you smile at me, my love? Please?" Alexander mumbled into my arm. I whined in fecklessness, but smiled at him, nonetheless. 

       "Don't call me 'my love', by the way," I warned him, "It frightens me."

       Alexander frowned, "Why would a term of endearment such as that scare you?"

       "I am not completely sure, but I do not want people to refer to me as 'love'. Do you understand, Hamilton?" He nodded and continued to mutter things like 'I love you' and 'I am going to court you someday'. My eyelids eventually shut as they grew heavier and heavier, something warm and soft pecking my cheek once I began to fall asleep. In my dream, the same void I've seen for the past four years appeared once more, pulling me in.

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