~~Chapter Seventeen~~

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Author's Note-- 800 reads. The more I say it the less I believe it. 800 reads, guys! And I checked the demographics for this book, we now have American, Austrailian, Canadian, English, and Netherlanders/Dutch people. This is amazing! Thank you for your support on this book! I love you all! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

                                 December 31, 1780

       My heart began to pound as Burr escorted me to the General's tent. Being the anxious person I am, I instantly began to imagine the worst possible reason as to why the General wished to see me. Did I do something wrong? Have I not proven myself worthy of fighting in the revolution? Has he discovered what happened between me and Alexander? Did someone other than Lafayette see us? I am going to be sent home, aren't I? 

       I felt as though my heart was going to pound out of my chest at any given moment, my nerves wrecking me into believing I was a goner. I slowly entered the tent, Burr halting once I disappeared under the tent's flaps. I was surprised to see that Lafayette, John, and Alexander were waiting inside. 

       "General Washington, you wished to see me?" 

       The General stood from his seat and motioned for me to stand next to my four friends. "Yes, Ms. L/N. Please stand next to Alexander."

       "H-Have I done something wrong, sir?" 

       "On the contrary, I called you five here to warn you that the revolution seems to get tougher and tougher by the second. We all have the desire to be free, and I know that some of you wish for more. Laurens," John looked at the General and saluted him, "You will be sent to South Carolina to redefine bravery. Lafayette," the Frenchman stood tall, "I will station you in Chesapeake Bay when the time is right. And that may be tomorrow or in five years. Be ready. That's for the both of you. Hamilton, L/N," me and Alexander saluted the General, "You will stay with me, wherever we have to station ourselves. I do not wish to see anymore men die for nothing. I was younger than you four are now, when I was given my first command. I led my men straight into a massacre, I witnessed their deaths firsthand. I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me. And even now I lie awake knowing history has its eyes on me."

       The four of us salutes the General, "History has its eyes on me."

       "Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory, you have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story. I know that we can win, I know that greatness lies in you. But remember from here on in, history has its eyes on you."

       "History has it's eyes on you." 

                                     September 13, 1781

       Men, such as Hercules, that are spying on the British government have been sending us letters saying that the British are moving to Yorktown, Virginia. General Washington has been sending men to investigate around that area. The letters are true. Congress commanded us to move in on them, the General agreed with them.

       Before departing for Chesapeake Bay, Lafayette was announced a commander. Same with Laurens, except he became a Colonel in South Carolina. Alexander and I stayed with the General, but we won't be in the camp for long. General Washington told us that we would be heading to Yorktown. 

       "Amica mea, are you ready to go?" I looked up from my hands to see Alexander. No one else. The room has been vacant for weeks already, completely silent since John and Lafayette left. I gave Alexander a weak smile. He noticed this. The spot on the bed next to me sagged down as a hand took mine. "Everything will be alright. John and Lafayette will be alright. They are strong, do not worry for them. Desiderabilia mea et pulcherrima, Y/N. Te amo."

       I took my hand away from Alexander's and walked towards my empty trunk, folding the outfits around it and placing them inside. A pair of boots stood next to the luggage, Alexander crouching down to help me stand up. He grabbed either sides of my face and positioned it so that my eyes had to look at his. "We will both fight in this war, side-by-side. I will never leave you. When we come back from all of this, the revolution over and America free, I hope that it has changed you enough for me to be able to court you with your content."


       "No. Let me finish. Y/N, I love you. And I am fighting this war not only for freedom, but for you as well. After the war, do you promise me that you will answer this question?"

       My bottom lip began to tremble from nervousness, "A-Alright."

       "Y/N L/N, will you do me the honor of letting me court you?"


       "Do not answer now. Tell me when all of this is over. I love you, desiderabilia mea et pulcherrima."

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