~~Chapter Four~~

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       I grabbed my trunk and the letter, tucking it away into the pocket of my dress, and headed toward my window. Breathe. In and out. In and out. Gather all the courage you can. Make me proud, my daughter. I nodded my head and jumped out the window. I hadn't noticed what I had done until I saw the ground getting closer and closer to me. When I landed, an aching sensation spread from my right ankle to the lower half of my calf. 

       Apart from the constant pain on my ankle, I managed to limp towards the streets of New York without a problem. At least until I actually realized what I had gotten myself into. I have nowhere to sleep and there's no food around so I'll have to beg for scraps.

       As much as it hurts me to say this, I think the only choice I have left is to sleep on the streets. What will they think of me? This will for sure sully my family's good name, but it's the only option I have. The men that walk by here will probably think I'm a wench. 

       I limped towards a rather deserted street, setting down my trunk in one of the darkest corners and reluctantly sitting on the ground. The few men that walked by me were luckily drunk, so they didn't notice who I was. In fact, I don't think they noticed me at all. 

       My eyes soon became heavy and droopy. I struggled to keep them open, hoping that a red coat won't recognize me and take me hostage. What happened after this would be considered good luck for most, but in my case, it's a miracle.

       "Mes ami? What are you doing here?" I immediately stood up, my drowsiness slipping away from me. 

       "Merci, Lafayette!" I stood on my tiptoes so that I could envelope him in a hug. Reasonably, Lafayette stood still for the beginning part of the embrace, but then melted into it, holding me tightly.

       "Why are you thanking me?"

       "Because if it wasn't for you a red coat would've most likely found me and taken me hostage," I mumbled into his shoulder, "So you practically saved me. Thank you, Lafayette."

       The Frenchman chuckled at my exaggerated problem and let go of me to grab a hold of my trunk. The two of us walked side by side, eventually arriving at his house. It wasn't until I entered his home that Lafayette noticed I was limping.

       "Y/N? Are you alright?" He asked me, motioning to my ankle. I smiled at him and explained what had happened and what the most reasonable explanation is for my limping.

       He put down my trunk and led me to his brown sofa, telling me to stay seated until a doctor came. The two of us talked for a bit, a knock on the door interrupting us. When Lafayette opened the door, Laurens, Hercules, and Alexander came bursting in, the three rushing to my side.

       "I didn't know you three were doctors," I said sarcastically. If my mother was here now she would have scolded me for acting this way towards men. 'The first thing I taught you was to always be respectful towards a possible suitor'.  

       Laurens smirked at me, "Didn't you know? I'm a doctor."

       "I'm here to entertain you," said Hercules. All of us looked at Alexander, waiting for his excuse as to why he's here.

       "Uh, I-I," he stuttered, "I-I'm here b-becau-"

       Hercules patted Alexander's back a bit too harshly, causing him to bend forwards. Mulligan laughed, "He's here because he thinks you're cute."

       I widened my e/c eyes, a pink tinge finding its way onto my cheeks. The rest of them stared at me and Alexander with knowing looks on their faces. I furrowed my brows at my three friends, "Are you gonna tell me what's wrong with my ankle? Or...."

       Laurens jumped a little, "Right, right." He took off the boot on my foot and inspected my red ankle. "It looks like you sprained it. It should be healed in a week or two, but until then you can't put any weight on this ankle, you got that?"

       I nodded, fiddling with the letter that was tucked away in the sewn on pocket on my dress. 

       "Are you all really going to join the revolution?" I questioned them. My four friends quickly nodded, excitement evident in their eyes. "Do you think there'll be room for a female soldier?"

     "Absolutely not!"     "Yes!"      "Definitely!"     "Oui!"

       "You don't think I'll be able to join the revolution, Alexander?" The brunette man played with his fingers, his eyes fixed on the wooden ground. I repeated my question. Still no answer. "Is it because I'm a woman? Do you think I can't fight because I'm a woman?"

       Alexander shook his head.

       "Then why can't I fight in the revolution?"

       "You know what? Forget about it," Alexander raised his head, "I want you to fight with us in the revolution. I already sent in my letter, and I'm sure that these guys have sent there's as well. The question is, have you?"

       "Not yet, I was planning on doing it once I found a place to stay. And, if Lafayette let's me, I think I've just found that place." I turned to face my French friend, "Lafayette ca-"

       He raised his hand in a motion that said 'stop talking'. "Say no more, mes ami. I will be glad to share ma maison avec toi." (my house with you)

       I smiled gratefully at the Frenchman. The five of us ended up talking about the revolution and how happy we are that something's finally going to happen to free us from monarchy. We had a conversation that lasted a good three hours. By the time we finished, it was three hours until dawn, so Laurens, Mulligan, and Alexander left, leaving me and Lafayette alone. Before my friend could speak I handed him the letter directed to the General. 

       "Mes ami, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me, uncertainty in his eyes, "If he accepts you, there is no turning back. You will fight in the war alongside John, Hercules, Alexander and me."

       "Alexander and I, not Alexander and me,"  corrected him. All he did was chuckle. "I want to fight Lafayette. Please, believe me." The Frenchman nodded and walked towards his mailbox, slipping the letter inside and entering his house once more.

       My friend escorted me to the guest room, telling me that if I needed anything I should go to his room and tell him. I unlocked my trunk and took out my nightgown.

             I layed down in the bed offered to me and shut my eyes, wondering if General Washington would accept my request or not

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             I layed down in the bed offered to me and shut my eyes, wondering if General Washington would accept my request or not. Once I was completely asleep, I had the most peculiar dream. In fact, I didn't realize it was a dream until I woke up the next morning. During my mind venture, all I could see were these dark brown eyes, ones I could get lost in.       

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