~~Chapter Thirty-Seven~~

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   Author's Note-- Let's Teach 'Em How To Say Goodbye.

                                  One Last Time.......

                                December 14, 1799

       The carriage leading us to the Washington's home bumped us up and down as it went over a pebbly path. All of my children: Philip, Marie, Alexander Jr., James Alexander, Elijah, William Stephen, and Y/N sat around me. 

       Word from Martha reached us that George was looking quite frail--sickly even. She requested that we come to visit him in case anything happened. I gladly accepted her invitation, relieved that I did not have to spend another minute at home. Alexander does not know we left, but I am sure that Philip left him a letter. He does not have the right to ask me where I am anymore. He lost that right when he--well--I do not wish to go into detail.

       Our source of transportation suddenly came to a halt, stopping in front of the grand stairs that led into the Washington's home. I quickly stood up and lifted young Y/N while Marie helped me with William Stephen. 

       Martha stepped out of her home, rushing towards us and hugging me. Her tears began to stain my dress. I patted her back in a comforting manner. "He will be alright, Martha. George is a strong man." This apparently did not help, for her sobbing became louder and harder.

       We eventually made it inside, Martha permitting me to see Washington in his room. The room felt cold and empty—but there is still a body in here. I walk towards the weakened body on the bed, the atmosphere around it completely lifeless. 

       George began to lightly cough, his eyes lookin go to mine. Before closing them again, he spoke three words—three unforgettable words. "Make me proud."

       A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought of the man laying there motionless. This is the man who led us in the Revolution. This is the man who fought for freedom. This is the man who became our first President. This is the man who resigned his unique position. This is the man who I just realized will only get to see the nation we've made one last time....... 


       Men and women that were close to Washington began to flood into the burying space. I watched soldiers walk up to Washington's body and say their words to him one last time.......

        My legs brought me towards the corpse, tears falling freely. I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out were silent sobs. The sun began to disappear under the many hills around the area—I have to do it now. "General Washington, I hope that it is in my power to convince you that you have done so much for me. An entire lifetime is not sufficient time to repay you for what you did for me. Still, I believe I have enough time to tell you the few words that I have been meaning to tell you." I took a deep breath. "You accepted me into the Revolution and I will be eternally grateful for that. You knew that I could survive during the war and that I would make it through. You have given me support that only one person has given me before—my father. In fact, your last words to me were the same as the words my father told me twenty-eight years ago." A sob left my lips. "P-Please, say those words again, General. Say those words one last time......."

      Alexander approached the body after I did, leaning towards George and shedding a tear. Although it was quiet, I could still hear the faint sound of him speaking to our ex-commander. "Call me 'son' one more time."

       The men around his corpse placed him gently into the ground and buried him. Now, he will sit under his own vine and fig tree. A moment alone in the shade. At home in this nation we've made.

       One Last Time.......

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