~~Chapter Forty-Five~~

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       My fingers were pressed against the letters Alexander and Burr have been sending each other. Tears began to well up in my eyes. As I finished reading the last one sent. It was from Burr.

       Stand, Alexander. We hawken dawn. Guns drawn.

       I prayed to God that Alexander did not accept Burr's challenge to a duel. My hand fiddle with the letter as I looked for a sign, a letter, anything that would convince me that Alexander was alright and alive. And then I saw it. His drawer was open. The drawer where he keeps his dueling guns. I apporached it, gasping when I discovered that it was empty. 

       Frantic footsteps neared me as I dropped the letter in my hands. William Stephen burst into the room, panting while he looked at me in concern and fear. My heart dropped.


       My legs took me as fast as they could over to the dueling ground, where a doctor was tending for someone on a cot. Maybe it is Aaron Burr. I know that it is terrible for me to say this, but I hope it is Aaron Burr. God! Please let this be Aaron Burr! 

       The man on the cot looked pale, the blood quickly rushing out of his body. I did not apporach him, but I could see the side of his face. Please, that has to be Aaron Burr! Out of the corner of my eye I saw something that made my knees go weak and caused my vision to go blurry. Aaron Burr sat in a canoe. 

       I rushed towards the dying body, pushing the doctor out of the way once my eyes found his. Alexander looked up at me weakly, his hand applying pressure onto his wound. 

       "A-Alexander." I choked out, holding onto his free hand. 

       He smiled at me. "Y/N, I love you."

       "Sh, I know, I know. Sh, I know, I know. Save your strength and stay alive for me, that would be enough."

       "Y/N." He coughed up blood. "Mea pretiosa, Y/N. Remember when I told you that you shouldn't join the Revolution?" I nodded my head. "I did not want to see you get hurt, much less die. I loved you from the day I saw you drinking beer with Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan. I still love you. And I apologize for every time I caused you harm, I am so sorry."


       "I love you, Y/N. I will always love you. Stay alive for me, please. When little Phil asks where his father is, tell him that I am watching over him, protecting him. Promise me that."

       "I-I pr-promis-se." I leaned in to place a kiss on Alexander's chapped lips.

       "Take your time." He squeezed my hands. "I'll see you on the other side, amica mea."

       The pressure on my hands went away. His eyes slowly closed themselves. 

       "I love you, Alexander." I bawled. Sob after sob escaped my lips. His hand suddenly became cold and lifeless. At that moment, I felt someone watching over me—protecting me. Alexander's second touched my shoulder and handed me a letter. A letter from Alexander.

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