~~Chapter Eighteen~~

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                                     September 25, 1781

       Men around me stood their ground as soldiers from both sides dropped like flies. Blood splattered onto my gun and my uniform every time a man around me was shot, taking their last breath on a battlefield. I know that they died in glory, but I can't help but think that they could have gone to the other side knowing that their country was free and that their family was safe. That is what hurts me the most from seeing these soldiers die. 

       My gun aligned with a red-coat's abdomen. I have to pull the trigger. It's either that or meet theach business end of a bayonet. Do it! My finger pulled the trigger on my gun, a small yet deadly bullet penetrating the man's stomach. His eyes rolled to the top of his head as he fell on his back. The red-coat next to him found the gun that had shot his fellow soldier. Time seemed to slow down as he raised his gun and pulled the trigger. I watched the bullet fire from his weapon and glide through the air. It got closer. Closer. Closer. To the point where I could not move to prevent any damage from happening. During this I wondered if this is what the red-coat I injured--and possibly killed--saw. A bullet aiming for his body at a treacherous pace. Everything worked up in his system as he felt a sudden pain. And that is exactly what I felt. A burning pain spread from my shoulder to the side of my neck and the top half of my left arm. Fire. That's how it felt. Like fire burning a hole through your body and someone adding alcohol to the wound. The pain got to the point where I began to sweat rather large beads. My gun fell from my grip as I clutched my shoulder and applied pressure to it, the action not helping at all. Dots began to form on my vision as everything around me turned a sunset type of yellow. Then, everything went black.


       A white room. Where am I? As far as I could see, there was nothing in this white room. But then again, I'm laying face up on something, so there is a chance that there I have not yet died. 

       I pushed myself up using my right arm, my left one still aching from the bullet that had penetrated it. How long have I been in here? Has the battle ended? What happened? My eyes widened as I proceeded to lift myself from the bed, my legs wobbling due to the lack of use. 

       "Ms. L/N!" Scolded a female voice from behind me. "You cannot be up from your bed! Rest is a key component to healing that bullet wound. Luckily, we were able to extract the bullet before the wound got infected. Now get back to your bed!" 

       I shook my head. "I need to know what happened while I was unconscious. How long have I been in here? What happened in the battle?" 

       The lady walked towards me and sat me down on the bed. She headed towards the opening in the tent, calling out for someone. She nodded her head and came back to my bed. "Someone will come to tell you what occurred during your unconsciousness. He claims to know who you are."

       I wonder who it is. Maybe it's Alexander. Or maybe I'm not even in my camp anymore. Am I on the enemy side? Will they take me hostage? Are they going to hurt me? Why am I so- 

       "Amica mea! You're awake!" A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, avoiding my left shoulder. They broke away from me only to be replaced my a pair of hands--squeezing the sides of my face. "My darling, I thought I had lost you." He brought my face to his and pecked me on the lips. "I love you." 


       "Do not speak! I do not wish for you to waste your energy and not be able to heal quicker." He scooted to the back of the bed and pulled me towards him. "Go to sleep and I will tell you everything when you wake."

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