~~Chapter Six~~

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Author's Note-- It is proven that in some rare occasions, women would be accepted into the military part of the revolution. They weren't expected to do much and many of the soldiers treated them differently, but some women had just as much toughness and strength as others, so their fellow messmates would treat them as equals. They usually stayed out of the soldiers' way when a battle was fought, but if a man went down, one woman would take over his position or assist the rest of the soldiers.

                              March 22, 1776

       Two days. Two everlasting days after General Washington accepted my request, we were asked to leave for the camp. We gladly packed up all of our belongings and left, Laurens lending me some of his clothing. Surprisingly, men's clothing are much more practical and comfortable than the dresses and corsets I'm accustomed to. 

        It took us two and a half days to get to the camp. Mulligan and Alexander were impressed that I insisted on continuing even when the rest of them were tripping in their own feet due to drowsiness and tiredness. Eventually, we made it to the camp, a man named Charles Lee escorting me to the General's tent. 

       As Lee led me to the General, I looked back at my friends, uncertain about the General's sudden interesting seeing me. I would've suspected that he only wished to see me in the battlefield, proving to him that I am worth every word I wrote on the letter, but I guess he wishes to see me now. 

       "General Washington," saluted Lee, "Miss. L/N has arrived at the camp."

       "Bring her here, Lee," commanded the General. Lee grabbed my arm rather harshly and pushed me into the tent with the exact same force. 

       Nerves wrecked me as I shakily saluted the General. "You wished to see me, sir?"

       "Yes, I do," he walked over to me and calmly put a hand on my shoulder, "Miss. L/N, are you positive that you're ready to fight in the revolution?"

       "Yes, sir."

       "Will you fight with as much force as you can to help win the war?"

       "Yes, sir."

       "Are you prepared for what you will see on the battlefield?"

       "Yes, sir."

       The General nodded approvingly at me, "Then, Miss. L/N, you are excused. I made sure to assign you a tent with your friends."

       "I apologize for the inconveniency, General, but how di-"

       "Hamilton sent me a letter with a list of names," the General brought out a piece of parchment, "John Laurens, Marquis De Lafayette, and Hercules Mulligan, correct?"

       I nodded my head at the General, "Yes, sir." After the General excused me for the second time, I left to go find my tent. It wasn't very hard to locate it due to the fact that Alexander was waiting outside of the tent, waiting for me to arrive.

       Alexander immediately rushed to my side and helped me enter the tent, showing me where my bed was and where they left my trunk. Laurens jumped up when he saw me, shoving a stack of clothing into my hands. I looked at him peculiarly while he merely smiled, motioning for me to check out the clothes. Once I truly inspected the uniform, I realized why Laurens was so giddy. 

       "Charles Lee came in while you were speaking with the General," explained Alexander, "He said to give you the smallest one, which is that one

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       "Charles Lee came in while you were speaking with the General," explained Alexander, "He said to give you the smallest one, which is that one. We argued that it would be too big, but I guess we'll have to see how it does."

        My thumbs rubbed against the fabric of the navy blue coat. It's in a way funny how us revolutionists wear blue coats and the British troops wear red coats. I looked up at the four men in my tent, smiling at them with pride.

       Lafayette sat down on his bed, "Would it be prudent of me to ask why the General wished to see you, mes ami?"

       "He wished to make sure if I was truly prepared and ready for the war we're about to fight in," I told them, my fingers stil messing with the clothing in my arms. 

       "Are you ready, Y/N?" Questioned Alexander. If I was any less sure of our friendship I would think that he was trying to scare me out of fighting. 

       "Why are you always questioning my potential in fighting, Alexander?" I stood layed the clothing on my bed and walked over to him, "Do you not believe I am capable of helping my country win its independence?" 

       Alexander shook his head and told me to simply forget about it. As much as I wish to inflict harm on him at this particular moment, I know that this action will get me sent home, or even worse, get me imprisoned. I instead snuck venomous glances at Alexander, hiding out of my friends' way so that I could change into my uniform. Once I finished, I stood up and sat down on my bed. Laurens, Alexander, Lafayette, and Mulligan realized that I was already dressed, so they began to shamelessly strip down to their undergarments. 

       When I tried to look away, a hand positioned itself under my chin and turned my head towards the four men again. I covered my beet red face with my hands and used the thin, off-white bedsheets to create some sort of fort for myself. 

       "Are you four done showing off your 'bodies'?" I created air quotes with my fingers when I said 'bodies'. I could practically hear their frowns forming on their faces as they muttered a 'yes'. The same hand from earlier took off the covers from my head. My eyes were greeted by dark brown orbs; orbs that are deeper than the dark void mentioned in a Scottish Tragedy I cannot name at the moment.  

       I grinned fakely at Alexander and took the bedsheets from his hand, placing it back on the bed. "Can we stop acting like children and go to sleep? Honestly, you four are restless."


                         May 2, 1776

       "Mes ami!" Called Lafayette. I turned around to see my favorite Frenchman running towards me, a wide smile etched upon his face. 

       "What is it, Lafayette? What's going on?"

       Lafayette rested his hands on his knees as he bent over, panting, "Ma chérie, the General just announced that mon pays is on our side." (My country)

       "France is providing covert aid?" He nodded, his lungs still taking in short breaths. France is coming to our aid. Even if I say it millions of times again and again, I still don't believe it. There's a chance we might win our independence. Sure, there's most likely still many more years left of the war and our luck can change anytime now, but that doesn't mean that we have no chances of winning.


                          July 4, 1776

       All of us are sitting in our tents, waiting. Some have become impatient to the point where they began to walk outside, their hands tugging on the roots of their hair. Word got out that the Contental Congress is issuing something that can affect the revolution. 

       Until we get anymore news all we can do is sit still and wait. When you're waiting for something, the mere thought of time is agonizing. The click of the red stone clock taunts you to the point of pain. Then you look around and see your fellow messmates struggling.

       They're aching to get out of this situation, just like you are. Then, the moment you've all been waiting for arrives. You turn to see your friends and they have the same look on their face as you do. You're thinking the same thing. Then the announcement is made. Proud smiles spread across everyone's faces. Some cheer, some bring out stored rations of beer or ale. You all exchange glances that say 'this is the beginning'.

       The next day the newspaper arrives: Continental Congress Issues The Declaration Of Independence

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