~~Chapter Twenty-Four~~

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 Author's Note-- I apologize for the little immature jokes I placed here and there.

                                  September 24, 1789

       "I know that President Washington wants you and me to be there, but I do not wish to leave Marie alone the day before her birthday," I explained, fixing the bun I placed my hair in. Alexander walked behind me and rested his hands on my waist. "I do not feel comfortable leaving her like this."

       He planted a soft kiss on my bare shoulder and smiled. "How about this: we go meet Washington's comrade and we return home before the sun falls. Is that alright with you, amica mea? I know that you despise leaving our little princess at home with Philip and the slaves."

       "Servants." I corrected. "Slaves is not the proper term to refer them as."

       "You are correct, my love. I apologize."

       Alexander fidgeted with the knot on my corset, pulling a bit to tighten it. He turned me around and pecked my lips. "Will accept my offer?"

       "Alright. But on one condition." Alexander raised his eyebrows.


       "Help me change into my dress." 


       The horses neighed as the carriage came to a halt. Philip and Marie raced towards ume and Alexander and hugged us. Our son--being seven already--reached higher than our daughter did--a five year old h/c. 

       Marie pulled away from the embrace and began to toy with my velvety-purple dress. She smiled as the soft fabric moved amongst her hand like rushing water in a stream. 

       I looked down at her, "Do you wish to have a dress this color?"

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       I looked down at her, "Do you wish to have a dress this color?"

       Marie nodded, her e/c eyes dancing in joy. I crouched down to her height and caressed her face. "I will see what we can do about that. Behave and stay safe until your father and I return. That goes for the both of you."

       Philip and Marie whined, but said 'yes' nonetheless, racing one another to see who could enter the house first. I giggled as Alexander took my hand and lifted me onto the carriage. 

       "Ready to go, amica mea?" I nodded and took his hands in mine.


       Alexander walked around the patio with Presdient Washington while me and Mrs. Washington stayed inside and talked. Moments later, the men came back into the Washington's not-so-humble abode. My husband took my hand and fixed his coat.

       "Alexander," I whispered in his ear, "Who are we meeting?"


       "Mr. Jefferson! Welcome home!" Exclaimed President Washington. A man in a velvet suit swaggered over to the four of us, a coughing man right behind him. Mr. Jefferson? As in the man who did not bother to fight in the revolution and escaped to France after it? Because if it is than an introduction is not needed.

       Alexander walked towards Thomas and shook his hand, giving him a skeptical look. "Mr. Jefferson! Alexander Hamilton."

        "Mr. Jefferson, welcome home," greeted Martha Washington. Thomas took her hand and kissed the top of it, respectfully.

       I smiled at the man, "Mr. Jefferson, welcome home. Sir, you've been off in Paris for so long. I am Y/N Hamilton." Thomas raised my hand up to his lips and smirked before--quite cockily--pressing his lips into it.

       "Hamilton? You're married to Alexander?" He raised his eyebrows. I nodded, expecting him to stop being so flirtatious, but that only made his smirk grow wider. "Well then, he chose his wife correctly. You are very beautiful, ma chérie. Especially in that color."

       I first looked down to check the color of my dress. Indeed, his clothing and mine were matching in color. Then I thought 'Ma chérie'?He does not have authority to call me his darling. The only person with permission to say that to me other than Alexander is Lafayette. I--in the most respectful way possible--pried my hand out of his grip and practically ran to Alexander's side, hugging his waist as his arm wrapped around my shoulders. 

       Thomas chuckled and raked his eyes over my body, biting his bottom lip. My husband noticed this, nearly leaping onto him once he saw. Luckily, I was there to stop him, but if I was not by his side, someone would have most likely died today. 

       Before the sun disappeared under the green hills, the five of us ate dinner (the food consisted of peas, corn, chicken, and cornbread), chatted for an hour or two, and took a stroll around the garden. During all of this, Thomas attempted to get some time alone with me, so we did not return home at the time we were supposed to.


       Alexander stomped into the house, clutching tightly onto my hand and leading me upstairs. The children were already asleep, so they did not notice when we arrived. My hand was slowly turning red from the pressure Alexander was placing on it. He opened the door to our bedroom and practically slammed it shut from the force he used. 

       I flinched when the door hit its frame, "Alexander."

       "No." He raised his index finger at me. "I don't like the way he was looking at you."


       "He is inprudent. Doesn't he know how to act towards a married woman?"


       "He is a cocky piece of purple-velvet. He- why are you smiling?"

       I walked towards him and grabbed his face, smashing my lips onto his. His eyebrows furrowed, but his lips stayed in a kissing position. I giggled, "You are adorably overprotective." I kept my hands on his face, keeping it there. "I. Love. You. I am yours and no one else's. Understood?"

       He nodded his head. My fingers began to play with my velvet clothing. "Good. Now help me get out of this horrid dress. Thomas ruined the combination of velvet and purple."

       "Can I help you bathe as well? You smell like Jefferson." 

       "Alright, but only because I do not want to smell like an overrated jerk." Alexander smiled as he undid the tie of my dress and slid off the material. His lips grazed over my neck, landing on the spot he has kissed many times before (it takes more than just one time to create a child). 

       He began to undo my corset while he removed his coat. His lips crashed onto mine, moving in sync with them. We kept kissing, slowly making our way into the bathing room. The washing tub sat in the corner, halfway filled with bubbled water. I'm guessing the servants decided to prepare it in case I wished to bathe. Alexander threw the rest of my clothing onto the floor and pushed me in, discarding his own clothing. 

       Needless to say, Thomas Jefferson's attempt to impress me completely left my mind.

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