~~Chapter Three~~

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       "And I am not throwing away my-"

       "Not throwing away my shot!" Everyone, including me, bellowed out the last part along with Alexander. During his introduction, I learned his name. In fact, everyone knows his name now. 

       Laurens, Hercules, and Lafayette invited him over to our table, making him sit next to me. Alexander turned to look at me, smiling at my drunken face. He took my hand off the table and kissed my knuckles, his lips lingering on my hand longer than they were supposed to. "Alexander Hamilton."

       "Y/N L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you."

       "L/N? Your father wouldn't happen to be a retired general, would he?"

       I nodded my head, my expression far sadder than I anticipated, "Y-Yes, he was."

       It's took Alexander a moment for his brain to process the situation. When he realized what was going on, the smile he wore faded away and was instantly replaced with an uncertain frown. "I-I apologize for my inconvenience, I did not know. And I-"

       "Alexander," He looked up at me, "It's quite alright. You didn't know, so there's no need for an apology."

       All he did was smile at me and suddenly realize that he would have to say something eventually. For the rest of the evening, Alexander talked about his aspirations and his thirst to prove that he is worth more than anyone bargained for. I sat there, listening to his rather interesting rant about law enforcement and how much he wishes to join the revolution. I was so intrigued by the way he talked that I hadn't noticed that my hand was still in his.


       "I may not live to see our glory," I sang, my sentence a bit slurred. No one else caring that I was under the influence since they were sober as well.

       "I may not live to see our glory," they mimicked my sentence.

       "But I will gladly join the fight. And when our children tell our story."

       "And when our children tell our story."

       "They'll tell the story of tonight."

       Hercules raised his mug, "Let's have another round tonight."

       "Let's have another reason round tonight," agreed Lafayette.

       Alexander grinned at my friends, "Let's have another round tonight."

       Laurens slung his arm over my shoulders and put his mug to my lips. I gladly swallowed the substance that made its way into my mouth. My freckled friend smiled, "Raise a glass to freedom. Something they can never take away. No matter what they tell you."

       The five of us raised our glasses of beer, Laurens taking the first sip of his drink, "Raise a glass to the four--" He looked at me and grinned, "--Five of us."

       All of us sang along with him, "Tomorrow there'll more of us!"

       "Telling the story of tonight."

       "They'll tell the story of tonight," me and Alexander sang in sync, "They'll tell the story of tonight!"

       "Raise a glass to freedom!" Sang Laurens, Hercules, and Lafayette. 

       "They'll tell the story of tonight!"

       "Raise a glass to freedom!"

       "They'll tell the story of tonight!"

       The five of us drank the last bit of our beer, "They'll tell the story of tonight."

        We all put our empty mugs dowe and stood from our seats, attempting to walk out the door. I don't know about the rest of them, but I couldn't properly feel my legs, so I couldn't walk two paces without grabbing someone's arm to stabilize myself. 

         While we walked down the streets of New York, Laurens kept singing some random gibberish, Hercules left us to go flirt with some women, Lafayette began to speak in French, and Alexander held onto my waist due to his wobbly legs. 

       "You know, Y/N," slurred Laurens, "You're rreeeaaaallly pretty."

       I rolled my eyes at my drunken friend. Bad idea. The action made my head spin, an aching sensation appearing once the dizziness subsided. I clutched onto the collar of Alexander's shirt, causing him to hold on tighter to my waist. 

       Lafayette smirked at me and Alexander, muttering something in French that I couldn't understand. 

       "Why are you holding onto my little sister?" The four of us turned around to see my brother Niklaus with his arms crossed, his foot tapping on the floor impatiently. Alexander slowly let go of my waist, but I kept my hands on his shirt. Niklaus stomped over to us and snatched me away from my friends, pulling me further away from them.

       "Niklaus!" I struggled against his grip, "Let me go! Why are you taking me home?! I don't want to go home!"

       "Stop acting like a child and come with me," He told me with gritted teeth, "Mother told me to come get you. And when she sees that you've been hanging out with drunk men and that you're under the influence yourself, you'll be lucky if she ever let's you out of the house."

       I stopped struggling and walked with my head down towards my house. When we entered, I was greeted by my mother's yelling.

       "What we're you thinking?! Coming home at these hours! Have you learned nothing about what I taught you?! You know, this is all your father's fault. He probably filled your head with ludicrous ideas abo-"

       "Don't you dare speak about my father that way!" Tears began to roll down my cheeks, my face turning red, "My father was a great man! He would never have done anything to sabotage my future or anyone else's! Whatever you think are lies! Pure lies!" I snatched my hand away from Niklaus and ran upstairs to my room, locking the door and putting my chair in front of the door, preventing anyone from getting in. I quickly gathered all of my belongings and stuffed them into my trunk. 

       Once I had everything packed, I took out the quill, ink, and parchment my father had given to me when I turned ten years of age. I quickly sat down and wrote a letter to the General.

                                                                        March 19, 1776

Dear General Washington,                                         

     I, Y/N M/N L/N, wish to join the revolution. Although it is uncommon for a woman to fight in the war, I promise that I will do my best. I am strong, knowledgeable about guns, and I long for the day that we can finally be free from Britain. I hope that you accept my request.


                        {First initial}. {Last Name}

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