····The Queen····

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····The Queen····

I walked into school and as always, all eyes were on me. But this time, they were different. Not eyes of admiration or jealousy. They were eyes of sympathy and pity... and I didn't know why. I entered the school and looked around. Everyone was crowded around a wall and my nose twitched. I didn't like being left out of any news. I spread rumors, not hear them. I stomped my way towards the wall and shoved past people.

"Move!" I shouted as I made my way to the front. I looked up as my eyes widened. My heart stopped and a lump formed in my throat. I dropped my bag and opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I turned around and saw that no one was looking me in the eye. It made me angrier. I grabbed a random person by the collar and raised them.

"Who did it?! Who killed her?!" I demanded. The guy had terror all over his face.

"I-I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know?!" I raised my hand to slap him, but someone pulled me back. It was Damian. He also had a sad look on his face.

"Stop it, Mal. It's not anyone's fault." he said with a haorse voice. I bit my lip and let go of the guy. I wrapped my arms around Damian and he did the same.

"She wasn't ready~" I cried. (A/N: Kevin Hart fans anyone?)

"I know... It's okay to cry. Audrey's death hurt us all." Damian said. Just hearing her name tore my heart. I wept into Damian's shoulder until I heard the first bell ring. Then, I let go of him and sniffed.

"I'm going to find out who murdered her." I announced. Damian's eyes widened.

"How do you know she was murdered?" I scoffed.

"Well, she wouldn't suicide! She had a perfect life! She was popular, pretty, and in some subjects, was pretty smart." I said. "She wouldn't have a reason to suicide." Damian pondered about what I said for a moment, then he dropped his arms.

"I don't know if it could help, but there's this really smart sophomore girl. I think her name was Winter or Witney or whatever. But she's the smartest in her grade. Hell, her accomplishments have even gotten to the seniors! If I could get her to help, I think she could look into the murder and find out who murdered her. Why don't we go see her now, okay?" Damian asked as soothing as possible. I nodded in agreement. I would do anything to bring Audrey to justice.


"Hi, is there a Winter Jenson in here?" I asked. Everyone in the room raised their heads and turned to me. Then, all their eyes turned to a red-headed girl who lowered her head as she stood up. "Ah, bring your stuff too."

"Uhm, do you need me for something?" she asked in a soft voice. She had big, sparkling green eyes which I was jealous of. I was always a sucker for green eyes. She looked scared too. I wouldn't blame her. One of the biggest female bullies just called her out in the middle of class. I put my hand on her shoulder and she flinched.

"I need your help, Winter. Have you heard of the death of Audrey Dawson?" I asked. Winter tensed up under my hand and she lowered her head.

"I... I..." she stuttered.

"Do you, or do you not?" I asked, growing impatient. If this girl wasn't going to answer, then I should throw her out right now. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I glanced back.

"Don't force her, Mal." Damian warned. I sighed and removed my hand.

"We've got all day."

"I saw her..." Winter muttered. Damian and I both stared at her.

"What?" I snapped. Winter looked up with a horrified and traumatic look.

"I saw her body. Right after she died."

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