····The Queen····

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····The Queen····

"What do you mean I can't participate?" Damian raised his voice. Everyone backed off. "I'm doing this too!"

"No, you're not!" I yelled back. He was already scared shitless of Alex and by participating in this plan, it would only make it worse. What if he got hurt? What if his life was jeopardized? It would be my fault and if it did happen, I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror. "Just... drop it, Damian."

"No thank you," he stood his ground. I glared at him and he crossed his arms, making his argument understandable. He wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer, but I wasn't going to let him go. "I'm going, no matter what, Mal."

"No fucking way you are Damian! I don't care how badly you want to do this, I'm not going to let you get hurt!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then, a part of hands wrapped around me and I looked up to Damian's blue eyes. He raked his fingers through my hair and locked his lips onto mine. I felt his soft lips press against my lips as his tongue explored the inside of my mouth. I moaned. I wasn't expecting him to suddenly kiss me, but the surprised feeling made it all the worth while. When he pulled away, I gulped nervously and intertwined my hands with his.

"Ahem..." Charlie squirmed uncomfortably next to us. Damian chuckled and kissed my lips again.

"You're so cute when you're over-protective." he said. I blushed for the first time in forever.

"If you two would please do that in a confined area." Charlie snapped. I frowned and Damian pulled me into his arms.

"I'll be outside watching for anyone suspicious." Damian said as he squeezed my hand. "Good luck." he said and I didn't bother to argue with him.


Charlie handed all of us an ear piece and gave herself one. She sighed. I knew she wasn't completely all on this plan because she had an agitated expression, like she could explode any second. It's was my fault too--I literally dragged her into this.

"Put this in and we'll be able to hear each other. Just... don't speak so loudly. People will get suspicious." she said with a low voice. I slipped the ear piece into my ear and I heard a loud electronic ping and I knew Charlie had made a connection. "Can you all he--"


We all heard a loud yell and the ear piece gave back a screeching feedback. I cringed and winced. Holy. Fucking. Shit. What. The. Fuck. Was. That?!

"Ouch!" We all screamed.

"Sorry," Jeffrey chuckled. "I was just trying it out." he said. I took a glare at the airhead and clapped next to my ears.

"Hold on, I think I popped an eardrum." I growled. Winter laughed in painful agony and Jason was cringing in the corner.

"Damn, take a nap, Satan." Charlie said to Jeffrey. He grinned and we all moved on, though my ears were still ringing. "Anyways, Jeffrey and Winter, if you would go ahead, Mallory and Damian will follow and Jason--" she said, ten stopped herself. Charlie gulped and opened her mouth to speak, but her lips just quivered.

"Charles?" Jeffrey asked and she snapped back and cleared her throat.

"Uhm... I'll go in after everyone is distracted, okay?" she said. I glanced at Jason and he was looking out the window with a shadow cast over his face. I frowned. She was ignoring him, he was ignoring her. What is wrong with these two fifth-graders? You obviously have the hots for each other!

"Seems good to me," Winter said. Charlie nodded and slipped in her own earpiece and pulled over her hood. We all headed out at different times, Jeffrey and Winter went first and just started looking around the vacant store. Damian and I were supposed to come in about 30 minutes later, so we decided to go grab some Marble Slab. We ate in the car and talked about the MTV Movie Award of 2014(A/N: Somebody please tell me they've seen Zac Efron get his shirt torn off. PLEASE!) and how we thought the other nominees should've won.

"I honestly don't think Cameron Diaz could look any older, yet younger at the same time. Like, what is she?!" I complained. Damian rolled his eyes and licked at his spoon.

"And what was with Seth Mcfarlane?! I really hoped he would've done his Peter Griffin voice. What a disappointment." Damian rolled his eyes. I laughed. We weren't only the best couple, but the bestest friends, in the world!

We both heard a beep in our ear piece. "If you guys would stop dicking around and actually do your job, I suggest you get in that store right now. I've already hijacked most of the system here--but damn these firewalls are hard to break through!" Charlie scolded through the ear piece. Damian and I shared a look, shrugged, then stepped out of the car.

I stood in front of Target and held hands with Damian. I sighed heavily and slowly. Damian kissed me and hugged me tightly. "Be safe."

"Please, I've done more dangerous stunts than this at regionals." I scoffed and strutted into target. Luckily, there was only one clerk at the cashiers and the rest were either walking around or throwing toilet paper at each other. I sighed and pressed my hand against the ear piece. "Charlie, can you shut down the cameras in aisle 7-8?"

There was a static-y feedback. "Roger that," she said. I walked over to the makeup aisle and looked around in case there was any nearby workers. But there was none. I sighed in relief and started applying on black, blue and purple eye shadow on different pets of my body and red nail polish over that. That's it, bow I just had to cut my clothes to make it look like I was attacked. I snipped at my clothes and looked down. Damn, I was amazing at this. I dropped some eye drops into my eyes and started to 'cry.' Then, I ran out of the aisle and screamed in agony. It immediately turned heads.

"Help!" I screamed as I stumbled onto the floor. The clerks jumped out and rushed to me. "Help! Help me! Oh god! Somebody help me!"

"C-Calm down ma'am! What's wrong?!" one of the clerks asked. I glanced over and saw Winter and Jeffrey run out. Winter had wide eyes and Jeffrey a smirk. I could tell he was impressed. Of course he was, I was a prodigy. I continued to cry out in agony and shook with fear.

"I... I was--I don't--I can't--I was just--I don't know what happened! One minute, I'm shopping and the next minute, I'm attacked! I don't know who it was or--or what he looked like, but he just attacked me! Somebody, please help!" I screamed clutching onto the cashier's pants leg. I grimaced and tried to shake me off.

"Mallory..." Charlie said quietly. I fell back to make it look natural and I pressed my fingertips against my ear. "I'm currently in Target. Thanks to your little improv demonstration, I was able to distract the security guard. Then, I'll snag some fingerprints and see if it matches the one at the police station." Charlie said. I didn't answer, but instead, I slowly sat up and winced. I looked around and felt my heart drop. I saw the security guard, the store employees, and Winter and Jeffrey.

But Alex wasn't there.


Lol, sorry, I just have a good, very,very good feeling today~~

More importantly, VOTE and COMMENT for this little itty bitty author and wish her luck on going onto high school with all the cute, older guys... haha...


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