····The Jock···

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····The Jock···

   I walked out of class and said hi to a couple of friends. As I opened my locker, Alex came up to me and nudged me in the arm.

   "Hey," he said bluntly.

   "Hi. Are you high?" I chuckled at my humorless irony. Alex rolled his eyes.

   "Yes, no, maybe so." he said. I shook my head. "You still trying to figure out this whole Audrey case?" he asked. I shrugged and picked out my French book and slipped it under my arm.

   "If Mallory is doing it, then I'd be willing to do it." I said. Alex scoffed and looked at me with disbelief.

   "Seriously, bro? What happened to the Damian that beat Ridgewood in regionals and rubbed it into their faces? You turned soft, dude." Alex rudely said. I slammed my locker and glanced at him. I was not soft. I am as intrigued in this case as Mallory, or Winter, or Charlie, or Jeffrey, or anybody else. Audrey was my friend and I am determined to find who murdered her.

   "You callin' me a pushover?"

   "I ain't callin' you anything. I'm just wondering where the old Damian went." Alex said. I glared at him. Was he being serious? Could he no longer see through those blank stare eyes?

   "There is no new Damian and there is no old Damian. I am who I am and if you're going to tell me who to be and what to do, then I'd rather not have you here." I said. Alex frowned and stared at me with his lifeless eyes. They were pitch black and had absolutely no emotion behind them. Like a snake...

   "I'm just sayin' man. Maybe you should just chill with the whole murder case. There are some bad people out there."

   "Why would Audrey be associated with bad people?"

   Alex glimpsed at me and I froze. I didn't know if he was just staring, or glaring, but I knew that he was pretty angry.

   "Who knows... But her dad was a pretty heavy man. Carried guns and drugs... I heard someone broke into his house a couple of days ago. Took his stash too." Alex said. I crossed my arms.

   "And how do you know he had a stash?" I asked. Alex was acting really suspicious. He knew more about Audrey's dad than Charlie did. And trust me, Charlie knew.... everything. Alex's information was just creepy. Like he was in on the action.

   "Doesn't he look like the type of guy that would do that stuff?"

   "No, I think you look like the guy that would do that stuff." Alex said. I raised an eyebrow. "My point is, I'd rather have you back away from this murder before you.... or someone else gets hurt." Alex said. I glared at him and barred my teeth.

   "Alex, you're a fucking creep."


   "No," I announced. "I didn't notice this before, but you are probably the most suspicious person here. You saw Audrey at that party and she told me that she rejected you. A perfect reason why you would attack her, am I right? God, no wonder Mallory hates you--"

   "Damian," Alex rose his voice. I bit my lip. Maybe I had gone too far. "I can't believe you're suspecting me. Me? Your best friend since the third grade? And for murder at that!" he yelled. I didn't move a muscle. I was suspecting him. Mallory didn't like him, and that was probably for a good reason. And right now, I wasn't liking him.

   "You're not denying it."

   "Yeah, cause I didn't do it." Alex said in a 'duh' tone. "You know Damian, if you're going to go further into this case, just remember this. There are someone messed up people out there. Ones that are capable of dangerous things like...fraud, theft... murder." Alex said. He still had that blank expression in his eyes. His lips moved into a smirk and his face creased into a smile, but his eyes... just looking into them felt like he was finding over 100 ways to kill me.

   "Someone capable of murder... Like you, right?" I asked. Alex smirked and shrugged. I felt my anger peak. I was about to lunge at him when someone latched onto my arm.

   "Damian," Charlie said in a calm, but firm tone. I froze and turned to her. She griped harder. "Come with me." she said taking my hand and led me away from the commotion. Alex gave a crazed smirk.

   "Didn't think you'd stoop so low to hand out with a freak, Damian!" Alex yelled. I flipped him off and glanced at Charlie. Did she hear that? Was she offended. Oh god, I'm going to have to apologize for that dumbass.


   "What's up?" I asked when we slowed down. We were in the empty auditorium and was sitting on a bench on the stage with only one light shining in front of us. There wasn't any light shining on Charlie's face, which made her seem all the more serious.

   "Mallory's in the hospital. She was admitted there this morning." Charlie said. I gasped.

   "What?! Is she okay? What happened?!" I blurted out. Charlie glared at me.

   "Sit down and let me explain," she ordered. I gulped and slowly lowered myself on the bench. Were all juniors this scary? "We were doing an investigation... with Audrey's dad. Big accident--he attacked her and she fell unconscious. She lost a big amount of blood and has head trauma, but she'll be back, alive and well in a matter of weeks." Charlie said. She had a shadow cast on her face, like she had something else on her mind and right now, all she could think about was that.

   "What happened to Audrey's dad?" I asked. Charlie snapped back to reality and she shook her head. Probably to shake off the thought.

   "He's doing time in jail. And for assault and attempted murder, I'd say he won't be coming out for a couple of years. Serves him right." Charlie muttered the last verse under her breath.

   "Is he really all that dangerous?" I asked. Charlie shrugged.

   "Mallory seemed really terrified and he is a suspect for many other murders in other states. I'd say he's just looking for his next victim right now." Charlie said coldly. Shivers went down my spine and made goosebumps raise on my skin. She talked about these kinds of stuff as easy as breathing. No expression or anything.

   "Wasn't he dating that one teacher?"

   Charlie nodded.

   "They still are. I've seen her visiting Davey in prison the other day, but in my opinion, I'd stay away from him. He's bad news, that guy. He's capable of things and he's deceiving." Charlie growled. I raised my eyebrow. She really didn't like this guy. Was it because he hurt Mallory? Because I would be mad too. Or was it because he's a criminal.

   "You know," I said, breaking through the silence like ice. "I'm sorry that Alex called you a freak in front of everybody. But hey, if it weren't for you, I would've pulverized him!" I chuckled. Charlie had her eyes wide and she laughed.

   "Don't worry about it. I didn't even notice he called me a freak. I hear it everyday, I just... erase it from my mind, I guess." Charlie said. I nodded. She was strong and somewhat courageous.

   "Well," I said as I stood up. "I'll see you later. Make sure you don't get hurt while you're investigating. I wouldn't want you or Winter to end up like Mallory." I warned. Charlie nodded and stood up to leave.

   "Don't go killing people now."

   "I won't!"

   God, even I hate Alex. But I described him after a character in an anime(Ohohoho, of course you would, Author-san), so it was really fun to write him. Though it was kinda hard yo explain his expression... Just... terrifying blankness.


   COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT IF YOU LIKE CHEESE AND ORANGE JUICE(I personally don't, but you know me, fuck the system).

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