····The Prefect····

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····The Prefect····

   I stood in front of Charlie's house, rubbing my sweaty hands on my jeans. It was the first time I had gone to someone's house besides Jeffery's. Not to mention Charlie is like, super unapproachable. But she was the one who invited me over, so I couldn't not take it up.

   My fingers hovered over the doorbell nervously. Would she be expecting me? What if I rang at a wrong time? Am I even at the right house? Just as I was about to press the doorbell, the font door swung open and almost caught me by my nose. Over the past few months, my nose has gotten in a lot of dangers.

   The person in front of me shrieked and I screeched at the same time. I looked up and saw a very slim woman with her chocolate hair in a tight bun and dazzling grey eyes with hints of other colors. She wore a business suit and blue pumps. She stared down at me and pursed her red matte lips.

   "And who might you be?" she asked in a smallish voice. I gulped and straightened my back.

   "U-Uhm... my name is Winter and I'm here to see... Charlie?" I squeaked. The woman stared at me with a blank face, then blanked twice.

   "Oh!" she gasped. I flinched. "I didn't know Charlie had friends from school! She doesn't talk about it at dinner, not like she even eats dinner..." the lady frowned. "Anyways, Charlie is in the basement." she said rushing past me and got into a small beetle car. I watched her leave and entered the house. It was a very white house with clean furniture and antique porcelain objects everywhere. I was even scared to touch the floor.

   "C-Charlie?" I called out. There was no answer. I walked further into the house and put my hands around my mouth. "Charlie?" I called again. Again, there was no answer. I was just about to leave the house when I heard something shut in the kitchen. My head whizzed around and saw a figure come out.

   "Winter?" a familiar voice said. I blew a sigh  relief. Charlie came out from the darkened kitchen with a bottle of lemon water in her hand. "What are you doing her--oh yeah. You're here for the... okay. Follow me." Charlie said as she entered a closet in the hallway. She lived in the closet? What was she, Harry Potter? When Charlie opened the closet, there was another door. She opened it and we entered the basement--which wasn't like Cabin in the Woods or The Conjuring. It was very homey and was not creepy at all. We walked down the steps and I sat down on the couch. Charlie took out a chocolate bar from out of her mini refrigerator and threw it to me.

   "O-Oh no, I couldn't--" I said, but Charlie smirked.

   "S'okay, this is how I express hospitality," she said. She turned to a curtain covered area and cane back with a laptop. I wondered why that area was covered and not the rest. "So I found out something... interesting."

   "U-huh..." I said as Charlie's opened her laptop. A page of the Federal Bureau of Investigation came up. "You hacked into the

F.B.I system--?!" I screamed when Charlie coveted my mouth.

   "Shush!" she scolded. I nodded. "Yes, I hacked in, but it was only a couple of hours ago. They won't notice until after 48 hours, so I'm good. Anyways, getting back to the subject, I found out that Davey Hale has a...criminal record, I guess you could say."

   "You mean Audrey's dad?"

   "Yep. He's been arrested in Alabama, Ohio and Wisconsin in the last 12 years. At first I thought it was for abusing illegal drugs or something, but I looked more into the system and I found out that there were at least 16 deaths in all those three states," Charlie said as she stole a glance from me. "And all 16 were women with connections to Davey Hale." I gasped.

   "Wait, what kind of connections?" I asked. Charlie bit her lip and pulled up a file with all beautiful... blonde women.

   "All blonde, all have lived in either Wisconsin, Alabama, or Ohio. And all..." Charlie looked at me again, making sure that I was with her. "Have been either married or have had a sexual affair with Davey Hale. Not to mention they all died. Suspicious, isn't it? Though he hasn't actually been guilty for these cases, he is a witness."

   I nodded slowly. Davey Hale could be the murderer. He's Audrey's dad, he has had connections with all of these women, plus he knows more about the Audrey case that no one else knows and he's not releasing information to the public. It is suspicious.

   "Well, I guess that clears one thing," I said. Charlie arched her eyebrows. "Davey Hale has a blonde fetish." I said. Charlie stiffled a laugh, but let a small giggle out. In time, both of us were clutching our stomachs while baffling.

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