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 have you ever had a crush?

 Have you ever stared at a beautiful stranger?

Have you ever thought or told yourself that nobody loves you?

I have done or experienced all of these things.

The first two things happened less frequently than the last one.

But, about the last one, i was wrong.

Turns out like at least three people have had feelings for me.

It's really weird being on the receiving end of romantic intentions, like it kinda makes me uncomfortable to be honest.

But I'm not writing this to rub anything in you face. I'm writing this to show you that even if you're convinced that nobody loves you, there's somebody out there who thinks you're pretty great.

It could be someone you know, or a random stranger who has seen you once or twice, or someone who only ever saw you once and couldn't get you out of your head. 

Or maybe it's a bum on the subway. ((Fun fact: 90% of the bums thought i was a boy))

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