spoilers for the adventure time series finale

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i am very happy with the ending. it was very satisfying.

personally i think those kinds of endings are probably the best kinds

yknow, the kinds that tell you that they're gonna be okay

they're gonna be okay.

life goes on, yadda yadda yadda

(sorry in advance if my s and d letters are a little messy or missing or whatever. my cat likes to break of the keys off of my keyboard when im not looking. i'm making sure i dont mess up but i might miss something)

(yeah i'm writing off of my computer keyboaRD rn. spoooooky.)

(i just like listening to the sound of the keys clicking.)

hollup good news everyone: i found a really old and much more satisfying keyboard which i hooked up to my laptop so now whatever mistakes you may find are just regular typos and whatnot in the stead of missing keys. fuck you roxy the cat >:(

ANYWAY (still amazed this keyboard even works tbh) the reason i'm writing this is because i just felt like i needed to say a few words in regards to the departure of one of my all time favorite shows. it's honestly kind of like being at the funeral of a childhood friend. 

Adventure Time has been around since 2010. it's 2018 now, meaning the show is roughly eight years old. this means that it's been around for half of my lifespan (more so if you count months/days)

i had been in love with the show ever since it first aired. it highly influenced almost every aspect of my personality and interests (music taste, drawing style, writing style, sense of humor, the list goes on and on and on) so in a sense i feel like adventure time is/was actually a really big part of who i am so ofc the ending of the show is obviously gonna fuck me up. still, i'm really happy about the experience i had with the show and how much it shaped me as a person. i'm really grateful that something like this existed, and i'm amazed that it could have affected me so deeply and truly touched me the way it has. it's just a cartoon, but damn. it was/still is one of if not my biggest artistic inspiration(s).

i found myself deeply connecting with every character and aspect of the show, and after all these years i was still able to name every little easter egg i noticed and recall each character and their backstories, i actually think the only thing that has managed to even come close to touch me so deeply is probably homestuck. the first fanfiction i ever wrote on wattpad was actually about adventure time (don't bother looking for it i deleted it immediately it sucked really bad)

(it was a zombie thing and all i really remember about it was flame princess accidentally shooting doctor princess in the stomach after one of those "is there a doctor in the house?" jokes.)

hehe funnee

anyway all i really wanted to say was that this has truly been a great adventure. i'm so happy with the ending and i never say this, i truly am very happy with the ending. 

thank you pendleton ward. you fuckign bitch making me cry in front of my family over some goddamn lesbians (thanks for the lesbians btw)


i hope that someday i can come just a little bit close to making that kind of connection with people.

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