im so sorry

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Don't get offended

I could write an entire book about stuff that bothers me, but I'm just going to write a couple chapters about things that annoy me on Wattpad.

Don't get triggered at me pls.

First of all, it's the terrifying amount of poorly written EVERYTHING. Literally everywhere you look there is going to be something written with the most atrocious spelling and grammar. It's depressing, really; it's like spell check doesn't even exist and their account was taken over by five year olds.

Here's an excerpt from an actual story I found on Wattpad: " so when do think I'm going to find my mate?"

Yes that unnecessary space in the beginning was actually there. Yes they didn't bother to capitalize their sentence. Hell, the thing they were writing on most likely changed "im" to "I'm" for them.

Not to mention this sentence has the grammar of a neanderthal.

Don't be like this person. Please.

PRO TIP: You're and they're means "you are" and "they are." Your and their is possessive. "Is that your/their dog?"

Where, were, and wear are all different words with different meanings.

"She bought TWO doughnuts."

"One had TOO many sprinkles."

"She didn't like sprinkles, so she gave it TO her brother."

Always, always, ALWAYS, no matter what, reread what you wrote before you post. This goes for everything you will ever write.

If you don't know how to spell something, look it up. If you don't know what it means, look it up. If you can't even pronounce it, either LOOK IT UP, or DON'T USE IT.

All right, now we have the issue of punctuation to discuss.





Notice how the different types of punctuation change the entire tone. Punctuation helps your audience read your story the way it was meant to be read.

Please do not forget -/:;()"",' either they are all extremely important.

Another thing, and I can't believe I even have to talk about this, you only need one exclamation point and one question mark per sentence. I'm not kidding, I have read stories where they have at least three exclamation points per sentence. It strongly reminded me of an overexcited sixth grader (which is probably who wrote it).

But honey, you only need one. The only exception is if it's for comedic purposes, like in the popular graphic novel series Scott Pilgrim and (insert interesting sounding title here). A character in the series  is Stacey Pilgrim, Scott's sister, who is a teenage girl. Stacey is the only character who talks like this!!!!! This is because she is basically your typical teenage girl, and if you've ever texted a teenage girl you might have gotten texts like 
"OMG!!!!!!!!" or "Wait THERE'S A SONG?!??!?!!!!!!"

Fun fact: Those are some actual texts I received. Horrible, I know.

Another thing is plot.

Keep your story going at a steady pace; if you go through three major plot points in one chapter it may get confusing or even worse, boring.

Also, try not to be super cliche with your storyline. Love triangle? High school AU? Loser having a crush on a coolkid? Spice it up a little compadre.

Give your story depth, fill it with twists that have your audience on the edge of their seats. Leave cliffhangers that get them begging for more. Throw in details, but not too many. Have a wide vocabulary; nothing makes you look uneducated like writing "smiles" and "said" fifteen times each in  one chapter.

AN: sometimes authors put ANs that are longer than the actual chapter itself like wyd take that blabber and make it into something gr8 don't fill the page with bs i don't care about

okay this actually has nothing to do with this chapter but i just wanted to ask why people comment on chapters but all they say is "XD" or "lol" nothing else

idk it just bothers me sometimes like ????????? that is just the most unnecessary thing

"wow this is hilarious and i want everyone to know i just ex deed so hard" please stop do not spam authors and the other commenters with nothing but "XD" it's dumb

sorry just another thing that bothers me





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