another lil rant

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yknow what i miss??

movies like tarzan, mulan, the princess and the frog, shrek, and tons of others that i'm way too lazy to name rn

what do all those movies have in common (besides being really good)???

the girl didn't get with the man because needed to, but because she wanted to. he wasn't the solution to all her problems; or at least not the ones she thought she needed a solution to. she was still talented and independent and GOD am i living for that.

it's different from the more recent princess movies (fr*zen, brave, moana) because in these examples protagonist being really obvious about how she don't need no man yadda yadda

i am in no way saying that this isn't really cool, because it totally fucking is

but princesses like aurora and snow white should not be mixed together with ones like mulan and tiana

like, they didn't have to get with those cute-ass guys (unlike aurora and snow white) but OF COURSE THEY DID Naveen and Li Shang are GEMS

idk what i'm trying to say is you aren't less of a woman or les sof a feminist because you like guys or you want to date them or be feminine or whatever it doesn't matter

being a feminist determines on how you think

y'know whether or not you advocate slavery and shit like that

it doesn't matter if you shave your head or wear dresses or whatever

you do you, my guy. that's one of the many messages the feminist movement tries to spread. if people are telling you you're less of a feminist because you don't want to get an abortion or if you shop in the girls section or whatever fuck them

it's pro choice not pro choosing for other people shut up

it's all about CHOICE, DAWG

that's the REAL message in this chapter

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