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When writing fan fiction, or a story that includes characters that are not your own, please just TRY to make them at least a LITTLE similar to their canon selves. I can't tell you how infuriating it is when a character isn't portrayed correctly, especially when the other readers don't even realize that this isn't how they act in canon.

Here's a little excerpt from an actual existing story:
"You're going the wrong fuck way! Fuckass!" Karkat screamed at my back.

First of all, what the fresh bulimic fuck.

Who even.... God.......... When has he ever actually said "fuckass," really?

And in the first sentence? It looks like the author just went "Oh, this sentence has zero curse words in it. Well, Karkat must definitely curse in every single hecking sentence so I'll just slip a fuck into a place that makes zero sense yep totally rational."

Please, reread homestuck or just re-evaluate your life altogether this is just getting ridiculous.

In this exact same story, Roxy only cares about one thing and one thing only. Guess what it is?


This is worse than Karkat. Yes, alchohol was a big part of her life and she did have an addiction. But, and here's the real kicker, s h e  g o t  o v e r  i t.

Her getting over her addiction is a really great example of what a strong and amazing woman she is. Even Dirk Frickin Strider looks up to her and is impressed/inspired by her, because Roxy Lalonde is fucking badass.

God I could name so many awesome things about her, and it makes me really sad when people only see her as a drunken bimbo.

If you're having trouble correctly portraying a character, ask someone who roleplays as them or read about them on their wiki it's not that hard.

Another Friendly Reminder: karkat 👏 doesnt 👏 just 👏 like 👏 romcoms 👏

he fucking loves the fresh prince of bel air

if i read one more fic where karkat wants to watch nothing but rom coms im gonna scream

hey- if you guys want some fun and helpful facts about homestuck characters let me know by telling me their name in the comments and i will totally blab about 'em in upcoming chapters

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