what a creep

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i just did some weird character development for one of my most hated characters lol

because as far as i know most people are at least indifferent towards hector

but i kinda think that in the whole ordeal with the attempted terrorist attack he either dies or gets physically and mentally scarred for life

he kinda gets some weird obsession with avery????????????????? idk

it's nothing serious or super creepy, he just can't stop thinking about the whole ordeal and how the most postitive thing from that experience was meeting avery and he tries to think about that more than anything else to get the bad stuff out of his mind.

of course the bad stuff comes back so he doesnt know what to do and he's just like ECH

having happy thoughts is just his only way to cope, he was taught as a kid to always look on the bright side of things but with so many more bad things than good things to think about he has a very limited supply of good things so he just mostly thinks about avery.

that thing isn't really as much of a problem as the SEVERE FUCKING CHRONIC PTSD

hector had a very harsh childhood, his home planet is nowhere near as civilized as others and was voted most dangerous in it's solar system and galaxy.

the inhabitants of his planet are all strong believers of survival of the fittest. sure, people team up and try to stick together, but there is always going to be something in the way. it's like one big scary jungle, and hector is pretty damn low on the food chain.

so yeah he had to deal with people trying to get him killed for most of his childhood; thank god he at least still had his family for the majority of that time. other kids weren't so lucky.

in fact, for someone so low on the food chain he had it going pretty well. in family was pretty sentimental, and if they saw someone in need they tried to help them.

of course, helping them could be giving them some food, letting them join their party, or simply just putting them out of their misery.

  on the food chain hector's family plays the scavenger role ( While the term is sometimes broadly applied to organisms that feed on any nonliving organic matter, "scavenger" typically refers to a consumer of dead animals. In technical ecological terms, scavengers are "heterotrophs": organisms that, unlike "autotrophs" such as green plants, cannot make their own food.) And they are often preyed upon by larger beings (hector is a small guy dude he SMOL but not microscopic)

((gross fact: if they had to end someone's life they would eat the body and try to find uses for the things that weren't edible. they buried the useless stuff and if they had the time, would have a mini funeral. like i said, sentimental bunch.))

so anyway the semi-crappy childhood caused some ptsd, not to mention the sucky job that forced him to end innocent lives but he didn't think or care about or even notice all the people he was indirectly killing until FUCKING AVERY made him realize which kind of messed him up even MORE and then after the whole ordeal with the attempted terrorist attack he was whole fucking mess of emotions.

speaking of after the thing.

i decided that he would run and get as far away from the airport with the bomb as he possibly could. he drops the bomb off in the middles of fucking space and watches it explode.

watching the explosion is what really pushes him over the edge. well, he was still gonna be pretty messed up with out that, but seeing it first hand and almost getting blown up with it guaranteed that he was going to be jacked up for life.

he got fired. not only that, but there was an "anonymous call" that ratted him out to the authorities.

((the "anonymous call" was actually from his place of work. it was basically payback for wasting such a good and effective bomb.))

tbh he was going to turn himself in anyway.

he was starting to run low on money so it was only a matter of time until he got kicked out of his home, and there was no way in hell he was going to go to a nuthouse, no matter how messed up he is. he's too proud.

so yeah he ends up in space jail and actually makes a couple of friends.

idk this is just some stuff about hector.

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