dumb rant

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this fucking ten year old was like "stop hating!!1! btw these fictional characters are sluts" and i get really heated about slut shaming so ofc i end up arguing with this dumb kid for like twenty minutes and fr they're so unintelligent like i had to take breaks before responding i couldn't handle their stupidity 

but then this five year old they're like "i was slut shamed once" and i ???? was ?????? confuse. like if you're gonna pull that card shouldn't you also be upset about slut shaming?

i felt dumber after talking with this kid  it was like i was arguing with a flatearther that's how FUCKING STUPID it was i feel terrible for getting mad but im sO mAd

they were like "i don't slut shame irl but these characters are sluts" like??? it doesn't matter whether you do it irl or not or who it's directed to you're still doing it.

🅱️lease we should totally romanticize "sluts" because???? we romanticize playboys?? and there's no difference between the two except ones a girl.

im not usually one to get triggered and call out sexism... fbut im triggered and that's sexism.

tbh i love???? hoes?????? so much??? so much. it h u r t s to see these ladies get constantly shamed for doing something men get applauded for. most of the time. not all men get applause for being hoes.

basically, you either shame them all or leave them all alone. preferably the latter statement.

okay im mad and good night

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