basic analysis

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yeah so uhhhh you guys probably don't remember Timberly and his gf, Mickey but if you do congrats

for those of you who don't they're a couple of cyborgs living in a cyberpunk dystopia (cool scifi shit yknow) and i wanted to kind of set the stage for it so here goes

•advertisements everywhere
•you can't even see the sky that's how badly polluted it is
•at least 50% of the animal population??? gone
•like china and new york and all those places with too many people except it's everywhere
•a lot of people wanted to stop the pollution and fracking and all that but they and their opinions weren't considered "important enough," thus they were ignored
•it's really gross everywhere except for the hella rich neighborhoods because CAPITALISM
•everyone is like fuckin ghost in the shell because there's robots and cyborgs and shit EVERYWHERE
•it's not as glamorous tho because a lot of robots are killed and looted for parts
•its always cold and dark because the clouds block out the sun

basically it fucking sucks but it sure does look cool

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