some blessed concepts

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y'all deserve this

concept: avery getting the name of a piece of equipment wrong and ca5 makes fun of them for it until they both die

concept: ca5 giving avery a little smooch on the forehead even though she doesn't have lips. she just kind of bumps her head into theirs and they appreciate it.

CANON: ca5 hangs baby pictures of avery all over their ship. there's a picture of toddler avery crying at space disneyland because they're scared of the guy in the costume. avery hates it and ca5 loves it.

concept: ca5 sees avery asleep at a desk or something and she carries them to bed and tucks them in

concept: ca5 laughing

concept: avery shooting a person and ca5 being the proudest robo-mother on the planet

concept: toddler avery drawing a crayon masterpiece of ca5

concept part two: ca5 has all of the drawings avery made for her hanging in her room

FACT: if ca5 was capable of crying she would cry all the time because she's just so proud of her baby

FACT: i love ca5

concept: ca5 loves to cook and since she can't eat and avery can't eat most things (fuckin vegan) so she shares the stuff she makes with the people she meets during her adventures with avery

FACT: ca5 and avery think the world of each other

concept: anytime avery brings an s/o home ca5 waits until avery isn't looking to give their s/o the whole "i stg if you hurt my baby i will fucking murder you" talk

concept: avery gets a gf and the gf is great

concept: avery gets a bf and the bf is also great

concept: avery gets a s/o and they are also also great

part 100 woop doop

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