IMPROV (tw: it get's gross)

19 10 6

i wa sin the mood to type fast on my laptop's keyboard keys for the sake of asmr so her ei am with my many many typos hehhe xd

with this she opened the door one last time. before her very eyes he stood, handsomely. he was beautiful, gazing starry-eyed up at the ceiling as if he was looking at the most beautiful thing in the universe. he was always a flighty, dull boy but that just made her love him more. in this dazed state his beauty was almost serene. a simple type of handsome, he was; with his fair skin and light hair, he looked as though he was made of straw at times. especially now. now with his tall, thin frame practically swaying with any break of wind. now that his head lazily lolled to one side. clumsy oaf, always knocking over things. the only thing left to support his weak figure was the rope awkwardly tied to a fixture on the ceiling. despite being a scraggly little thing the aforementioned fixture was quite obviously struggling to support his weight. opening the door for the last time, she gazed lovingly at her scarecrow. 

each tendon was slowly being teared from my arm, excruciating pain shooting up every nerve in my body. i could not scream, as my teeth were close to shattering from the pressure. my fingers urged to curl and flex, straining to experience some sensation other than pure torture- the torture of every vain every tendon every ligament rip rip ripping from within my limbs.

my fingernails, plucked and extracted one by one. the dirt scraped from underneath and between my fingertips and nails, like some sort of hellish spa. exfoliating soaps and scrubs tore at my flesh, ripping away both dead and living skin. i could not cry, for opening my eyes meant the sting of suds and sunlight. every hair on my body twisted and strung until they were removed; every piece of individuality i had washed away like the dirt on my feet. i was left a practically lifeless sack of indefinable meat. my former self lacking a shell, exposed like a slug in search of home. sweat and tears mixed together until i was an oozing, throbbing mess; abandoned in a puddle of my own excrement.

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