hunanstuck part two

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x aradia dropped out of high school because of her ADHD and because she kept ditching

x she picks up sollux and/or tavros from school every once in a while, that's how people know she's still alive. aradia is basically a cryptid.

x everyone thought tavros died during the seventh grade field trip when vriska  shoved him over the railing at the smithsonian

x he got his prosthetics right before high school started and gamzee walks him to school everyday

x sollux takes the bus or car, and on special occasions mituna drags him to school on an old wagon. he always has his computer and goes on it during class, somehow he never gets in trouble. there's a rumor he's dating feferi but it's false, he's still with aradia.

x karkat gets a ride to school and back from kankri, although he is unreliable. when kankri is too busy to drive him he ends up going on some crazy adventure. he and kankri both work at a little diner, but karkat doesn't actually work he just complains and eats the leftovers.

x karkat is freaked out by rose and dave's "creepy twin schtick"

x nepeta had a crush on karkat until her mom married his dad, then it got weird and she stopped. she takes online courses with meulin, and is already learning stuff at am eleventh grade level.

x kanaya is also a cryptid. people think she's a vampire because she's never in direct sunlight, and when she is she wears a giant hat. she takes art classes with seniors and her notebooks are covered in stickers and paint.

x terezi is loud and easily excited. she takes the bus with sollux and annoys the fuck out of him, but they've been close friends since elementary school. there's a rumor she dated karkat but everytime someone brings it up they het punched by either karkat, terezi, or vriska.

x vriska carries her tarantula everywhere. she rides her bike to school and she painted the flames on it herself. she tries to be cool but in reality she's a fucking dork. there are so many rumors about her that some people don't even think she's real. she and terezi beat those people up in parking lots.

x equius scares everyone, even the teachers. he's the nicest person there tho, tbh. he's in the culinary club and his special is shepherds pie. he lives really far away (in a rlly rich neighborhood) so he takes the train to school.

x gamzee is the biggest cryptid of them all. he once brought out an entire roast chicken in the middle of biology and just started eating. he cries whenever he sees a goose. everyone has some weird obscure story about him and they're all true. it's a surprise he hasn't dropped out yet, he keeps his extensive bong collection in his locker.

x eridan hasn't been seen since elementary school; when his name was helena and he pretended he was a wizard. he dated vriska in the third grade but moved back to europe. when he came back nobody recognized him except vriska and feferi. he takes the train with equius and mostly keeps to himself.

x feferi always gets her name mispronounced during rolecall she's really popular but mainly because of meenah. she's sollux's lab partner in science, and she takes veterinary classes with nepeta. she takes a carpool to school with meenah and her friends.

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