Chapter 12- Hospitals

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"Guys I need to go to the hospital, the others have been in an accident. I don't know how bad it is yet, they might all be fine. Can you stay and look after Lexie? It won't be for long as Naya will be home soon." I asked the girls.

I was lucky the girls had already fallen in love with Alexa and all agreed to looking after her for me. I quickly left and got into my car without saying goodbye to Alexa in case she got stressed and upset about me leaving her and wouldn't let me go which was an extremely likely event.

I got in my car and drove to the hospital faster than I probably should of. I called Cher again and she directed me to the right ward and met me there.

"Oh my god are you guys all okay? What even happened?" I asked as I hugged Cher.

"A truck ran a red light straight into us, amazing we're not too bad. Ally hit her head off the window so she's just getting that checked out, Normani and Dinah are fine, Lauren has broke her arm and Camila just has a few cuts."

"So no one's badly hurt?" I asked still worried.

"Apart from Ally, the doctor has confirmed we're all fine." Cher told me.

Suddenly I was engulfed into a hug by a crying Camila. She was mumbling to me and I couldn't work out what she was saying.

"Ally... Ally isn't good." She finally said clear enough for me to understand.

"Ally's strong she can beat anything. Now can you tell me what's wrong with Ally?" I asked Camila.

"She hit her head and she was fine but then she just collapsed and she's in a coma and I don't know what to do anymore." Camila said crying harder into me. I just stood there and held her, slowly rubbing her back with one hand.

"How about we go see the others and decide what to do?" Cher suggested.

Perrie's POV

The minute Alexa noticed that Demi had left the house, she started to freak out. Jesy tried to pick her up in order to calm her like we had seen Demi do but she just started crying more.

Jade and Jesy were currently in the kitchen talking about what could of happened and Leigh was on the phone to the hospital trying to get information on the other girls so that left me with Alexa.

Alexa was behind the sofa in the living room crying to herself. I don't know how she got there but I'm pretty sure she was stuck.

"Alexa put your arms up and Perrie will lift you out from there." I said softly trying to be as calm as I could in order not to scare her.

"Mummy!" She shouted at me. I sighed knowing that Demi probably wouldn't be back for a while depending on the other girls' injuries.

"Mummy's friends are hurt so mummy has gone to help but I'm here still and if you come out I'll let you play with my hair." I said trying to bargain with her. It seemed to work as she lifted her arms up.

" Hot." She said just loud enough for me to hear. I carried her upstairs and found her something lighter for her to wear. As I undressed her I saw that she had a diaper on but it was also wet. Having had to look after my younger cousins, it didn't bother me and I quickly changed her and got her dressed again.

"Mummy." Alexa said starting to cry again.

She was sitting on her princess bed so I let her lay down and I softly sung Wings to her as I did I stroked her hair until I eventually got her to sleep.

Demi's POV

Ally had slipped into a coma so the girls and I decided that Little Mix and Cher would support me throughout my tour and if Ally was better and ready, they could join in later on. I had spent most of my afternoon at the hospital leaving Alexa with the girls.

I decided that I couldn't help anymore and said my goodbyes. When I got home I noticed Naya's car still wasn't there- that was unusual for her to work this late if she was staying over at mine.

I walked in to find Jade asleep on one sofa, Jesy and Leigh watching tv quietly on the other. I left them for a minute and went upstairs to try and find Alexa.

Upon entering Alexa's room I found her asleep on her bed and Perrie asleep on the floor next to her.

I gently shook Perrie awake accidentally waking Alexa in the process. Perrie sat up and I thanked her for looking after my baby. It was already late so she gathered the other three and they left.

"Mummy, my tummy sore." Alexa said as I dressed her in her pyjamas.

"Sleep in mummy's bed tonight then baby?" I asked. She nodded tiredly. I got her a bottle and cuddled up with her in my bed. She drank most of it before falling asleep. I decided to join her and got myself comfy. I was just nodding off when I heard Naya's voice that instantly put a smile on my face.

"Sorry I'm late baby, I was with Lea she was upset about Cory again but I'm here now. I love you." She whispered before climbing into bed on the other side of Alexa.

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now