Chapter 39- Missing Demi

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Naya's POV

I slowly sat up in my bed, quickly remembering last night's events. Noticing that I was on my own in bed, I looked around. Alexa was curled up in her own duvet on the floor, soft snores escaping her as she slept.

I carefully lifted her up so I could move her into Demi and I's bed but she woke up being the light sleeper that she is.

"Buena mañana." I said to her softly.

"Hola Mama." She replied to me. I spoke to her around the house in Spanish so she could pick some stuff up. Her and Demi were very much beginners though.

"Where's mommy?" She asked in her small voice.

"I'm not sure princess. Let me check." I grabbed my phone and sure enough there was an unread text from Demi.

From: Dems

Morning baby sorry I'm not there now you've waken up. I am at the studio and probably will be late home so don't wait up on me. I love you. Dem xxx

I accidentally let out a sigh knowing that Demi was using the studio to distract herself from everything else that was happening right now. This was our last day together before Demi went away a bit for work and I wasn't able to spend it as a family.

"Mommy gone all day?" Alexa asked me.

"Yeah baby, looks like it is just us today. What you want to do?" I asked. She shrugged at me and I knew she was being quiet today because Demi wasn't here. Alexa was very used to having a routine and Demi not being here was extremely difficult for her.

I brushed through her blonde hair. As a couple it was blatantly obvious the Alexa was not biologically related to us as we both had dark hair, eyes and complexion but her soft blonde baby hair that had only started to get longer and her sparkly blue eyes were amazing in my opinion.

I dressed her in lace white vest top with denim shorts and white converse and then got dressed in something relatively similar myself due to the summer temperatures.

"How about we see if Auntie Dallas is free?" I asked as I carried her to the kitchen. I sat her on her chair and starting making toast.

I got my iPad out and sat it on the table face timing Dallas. I started buttering out toast as she answered.

"Hey Lex. You're looking beautiful as always. How is my favourite niece today?" I heard Dallas say. After a few minutes of silence from both of them, I turned around to see her with her thumb in her mouth staring blankly at the screen and Dallas looking totally worried.

I gave her the toast and sat next to her. Dallas shot me a confused look. She was used to the talkative Alexa who spent the whole time giggling.

"Eat up baby." I told her as she slowing picked up her first piece and I turned my attention back to Dallas.

"Are you free today? We were wondering if you were wanting to do something."

"Well Maddie and I were planning on going to the beach, do you want to join us, we can be at your house in ten." Dallas told me. Now Dallas had moved to LA, we saw a lot more of her and Maddie as Maddie loved visiting. I looked at Alexa for approval and she nodded eagerly.

Once at the beach I changed Alexa into her swimming costume which was yellow with white spots and covered her in suncream. I sat down with Dallas while Maddie played with Alexa building a sandcastle a few metres in front of us.

"So what's up? I can tell something's not right." Dallas said bluntly.

"Well last night I had a massive fight with Demi and ended up at a hotel, then Wilmer broke in so I came home to comfort Demi which is when we made up and everything was back to normal. Until I woke up this morning on our last day before she goes to away to a text saying she was working and not to wait up tonight." I explained to Dallas.

All of Demi's family were extremely supportive to me and were always there if needed so I didn't have that much of problem telling Dallas as I knew she'd probably find out anyway.

"My sister really makes bad choices sometimes but she's only young so she'll learn. How is Lexie doing?" She said focussing her attention on my daughter who had all of a sudden stopped making sandcastles and was Maddie intently as she started to cartwheel and back flip on the sand.

"Alexa is one hundred percent Demi's girl so she's dying on the inside without her here. She's been extremely clingy towards both of us in recent days but she is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode without Demi's regular attention."

Maddie ran over to ask if we could all go in the sea. We agreed and moved our stuff towards the water. Alexa was crying because she was scared but she had been fine in previous times at the beach and I knew she was acting up because Demi wasn't here. I picked her up and carried her taking turns with Dallas so she could cool down.

Back at home she constantly cried for Demi. The next week was going to be a nightmare on my own with her but I had to be strong. I was currently cuddled up on the sofa with her feeding her a bottle as it was the only way to calm her down without Demi. She quickly settled and I tucked her into her bed.

I decided to run myself a bath in order to calm down. Once it was full I undressed and got in. I had been in the water for two seconds when I heard the front door be locked.

I was resting my eyes when the bathroom door was opened. Demi leant down and gently kissed my lips.

"Hey beautiful. Why are you still up?" She said as she put the toilet seat down so she could sit.

"Alexa wouldn't get to sleep for ages." I watched as she stood back up and undressed.

"Put your eyes back in your head Rivera. I hope you don't mind me joining you." She said with a giggle. I reshuffled myself so she could sit in between my legs and lean back. She placed her head on my chest and let out a content sigh.

"I've missed us so much today." I told her. My arms were wrapped around her possessively as I held her tight.

"I can tell. I missed you too. I should have told them no, that I wasn't working but instead I let you down."

"No baby. I'm so proud if what you do and I know your job includes studio time. You are not letting anyone down by doing your job."

"I love you."

"I love you too Miss Lovato."

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now