Chapter 34- Babysitters

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I was still not dressed when the door bell went. I ignored it and continued putting my makeup on until it went again.

"Mummy door making horrible noise." Alexa whined at me from my bed. The doctors had found out she had really sensitive hearing and hated loud noises not a good thing when her mum is a pop-star.

"Cover you ears baby." I told her. I watched her do it before sticking my head out the door and shouting. "NAYA BABE, GET THE DOOR!"

Naya had been getting ready in the spare room to give me space and she was always ready before me. I heard Naya go downstairs so I went back to getting ready. I had finished my makeup and had left my now brown hair down.

I had decided to wear a simple black dress with silver and red gems at the neck line with black heels.

"How'd I look princess?" I asked Alexa who was sprawled out on my bed.

"Pretty mummy." She replied.

"Just like you then. Come downstairs to say ba-bye to mama and I." I said to her smiling. She got up and took my hand and we managed to get downstairs to the living room.

"Auntie Perrie! I've not seen you in agggeessss!" Alexa said running to Perrie.

"I know sweetie but Auntie Jade and Auntie Lauren couldn't look after you in the end and me and Zaynie were around so I said we would come see you." She explained to her.

"You look beautiful babe." Naya said to me smiling. "We best be off."

"Lexie behave and do what Auntie Perrie and Zayn say. Try and go to sleep right away okay and we'll be home when you wake up in the morning. Kisses and cuddles?" I told her.

She gave me a hug and a kiss before doing the same to Naya then leaving to sit on Perrie's lap.

"There's money in the kitchen for a takeout in case you get hungry and Lexie's pyjamas are on her bed." I started before Zayn interrupted me.

"Yes, we know. Now go have fun and be young for a bit." Zayn said joking with me. I gave Alexa a final kiss before leaving with Naya.

Zayn's POV

Demi and Naya eventually left and Alexa started crying for them. I tried calming her down while Perrie got herself a drink but nothing I did would work. I was starting to get panicky when Perrie reappeared. She immediately took Alexa off me so I could sit down.

"Lexie you need to calm down. Your mummy and mama will be back later and you want me to tell them you've been good for us so you need to take some deep breaths and stop crying." She told her firmly. Within a couple of minutes she had stopped and Perrie gave her back to me.

"You're a tired little girl, aren't you?" Perrie said to her. Alexa was squirming around crying, trying to get away from me.

"What am I doing wrong?" I snapped.

Perrie's POV

Zayn snapped and Alexa started screaming. She hated being near Zayn and he hated her reaction to him.

"Zayn put her down and go outside for a bit." I said forcefully.

"What have I done?" He shouted at me, still holding to Alexa.

"Zayn please listen to me. You need to put her down and go calm yourself because it's making the situation worse. Please?"

He went outside to calm himself down and I went to find Lexie. It wasn't a hard task as her sobs could be heard throughout the house.

"Baba come to Auntie Perrie." I called to her and her little feet came running. I picked her up and she cuddled into me tightly.

Once I had calmed her a bit, I carried her to the bathroom and started running her a bath which I knew would be a task in itself. Demi had mentioned on tour that she hated getting a bath and we often heard Alexa's shouts on the tour bus when Demi attempted to wash her. But today she was completely calm barely moved while I washed her.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I asked but got no reply. Demi, Naya and I were always her favourites and could normally get her talk.

I got her out the bath and dried her, making her smile as I tickled her. Hearing her laugh made me relax a bit to know she was okay. I got her dressed and sat her on the bed in front of me.

"We need to talk. What happened earlier with Zaynie? Did he hurt you or make you scared? Tell me princess, please." I asked her. I knew it upset Zayn that she freaked out around him and it upset me too as I loved them both so much.

"Zaynie makes me think of Ryan." She whispered so quiet that I could barely hear her.

"The man from the tour?" She nodded. "Baba that man is locked up now, he can't get you. Zaynie won't hurt you, he's really a big teddy bear." I explained to her.

I took her back downstairs, Zayn had came in and their was pizza sitting on the coffee table in the living room.

I watched Alexa attempt to smile at Zayn as he crouched down to be at her height.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you and scared you Lexie." He said opening his arms a little. "Can I get a cuddle?" Slowly Alexa went towards him and he wrapped his arms around her. It was adorable to watch Lexie try and overcome her fears. All I wanted to do was make everything better for her, she didn't deserve her past.


I know this is shit and I'm sorry that you had to wait ages for it but I'm having a bad time right now and it's hard to update.

1. Do you want the next part to be Naya and Demi's date?

2. What would they talk about on their date?

3. Should Alexa get worse before she gets better?

Please send me your ideas and suggestions, they really are a huge help for me. Stay Strong ❤️

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