Chapter 22- Carter?

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I was currently sitting at the table with Naya. We were trying to think of ideas for Alexa's birthday. It was still early in the morning so we were trying to figure everything out while she was still in bed. She didn't have any social interaction with kids her age due to her anxiety so she couldn't have a normal party.

"I know, I know." Naya said excitedly. "A big family and friends barbecue and then we surprise her."

"That's sounds amazing. Surprise her with what though?" I said. I had already bought her presents as her birthday was in two days but we had kind of left the party planning until last minute.

"We take her to Disney obviously." Naya said. I knew I could pull a few strings with Disney due to my old connections with them so it was the perfect idea. We were still trying to work things out when Alexa appeared downstairs.

"Good morning princess." I said as she walked in.

"Morning mummy and NayNay. Doing nothing today?" She asked. She still got her words confused but to be honest she was pretty cute most of the time.

"Your coming out with mummy today." I told her. I was going out with Selena and taking Alexa with me so Naya could start planning her party properly.

Selena and I rarely met up anymore but we had decided that we needed to catch up with each other every once and again in order to keep up with what we were doing.

"No mummy, wanna stay here." She cried before running out the room. Naya gave me a sympathetic look before I ran after her.

I found her crying in her room. I didn't know why she was crying but she did it a lot over nothing and it did get on my nerves a bit.

"Alexa, what's wrong with going out with mummy?" I asked her. She didn't reply to me.

"Mummy will make you a deal, you be a brave girl and promise to be good for mummy today and let you FaceTime auntie Perrie, does that sound good?" I asked. I was going to let her phone Perrie anyway since Perrie had been desperate to speak to her but at least this way she would behave for me.

I wiped Alexa's tears away and picked her up. Taking her into her wardrobe I picked out a pair of denim shorts and a tinkerbell T-shirt for her to wear. She was currently going through a fairy phase and tinkerbell was her favourite. It was fairly sunny today so I knew she wouldn't get too cold.

I put a pull up on her and helped her get dressed. Since we had been home she had been having less accidents so Naya and I were attempting to potty train her again.

I was ready so I said goodbye to Naya and put Alexa into the car. She was extremely quiet in the car. I hadn't made her eat breakfast as I knew she wouldn't eat lunch if I did that and I preferred she ate while we were out.

I pulled up outside the restaurant to see a crowd of paparazzi, Selena must be here already. Luckily the paps weren't blocking the enter entrance so I got Alexa out of my car and carried her into the restaurant.

I immediately saw Selena and walked over to her. Alexa cuddled into me trying to hide herself. I hugged my best friend and tried to put Alexa down on the seat next to me but she climbed straight back onto my lap.

"Selena this is my daughter Alexa, Lexie, you should know who Selena is." I introduced.

"Carter? And Alex?" She asked me quietly just in case she was wrong. Selena laughed and gave Alexa a massive grin.

"Yes I was Carter and Alex. I surprised your mummy let you watch me being Carter, she doesn't like that film very much." Selena told Alexa. I looked at the menu to see if there was something I could get Lexie to eat.

"Lexie, do you what do you want to eat? Any ideas?" I asked her. I expected her to start throwing a tantrum and cry her eyes out but she didn't. I think she was trying to be big as she was in total awe of Selena which I found cute. Eventually she shrugged her shoulders at me.

"Sorry mummy." She said.

"It's okay baby, there's pasta or you could have a chicken burger or there's another meats." I told her. She sat quietly for a minute before answering me.

"Pasta please." She said before she leaned up and whispered in my ear. "Mummy help me?"I nodded and kissed her head.

"Mummy is so proud of you right now. Mummy thinks you're so brave doing this." I tell her as planted kisses all over her face. She starts laughing and pushes me away eventually climbing onto Selena to get away from me.

Selena was great with Alexa while we waited for our food to arrive. I could tell Alexa was getting more and more nervous as time went on.

"Mummy I gotta go." She said quietly in the middle of the conversation.

"Back in a sec Selly."

I took Alexa to the bathroom and made sure she went okay. I helped her wash her hands and then sat her on the counter next to the sink.

"You need to calm down. Mummy is right here so stop worrying. You need to some food in your tummy anyway to make you grow." I said to her. She put her arms up so I picked her up and kissed her as she cuddled into me.

When we got back to the table our food was there. Selena smiled at me but Alexa tried to get away. I held her firmly on my lap took a forkful of her pasta to check if it was too hot for her. She watched me try it and then took the fork off me to try herself.

"Mummy is proud of you." I whispered in her ear. I moved her onto her own chair so I could eat my own food. Alexa had stopped eating but she had done really well.

"Five more and you can be finished." I told her.

"Three?" She questioned me.

"Deal." I told her. She had already managed to eat over half of it on her own so I could let her off with it.

After we were done, Selena and I just sat and talked. Lexie had climbed onto my lap and had drifted off to sleep.

"I can't believe my best friend's a mummy now. An amazing mummy." Selena said smiling.

"Well she's four on Saturday and Naya and I are having a party. Seeing as my daughter is head over heels for you, you come if you want." I told her.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Dem Dem. I can't wait for it." I hugged Selena and after a fight over who was to pay, we split the bill. I picked up my sleepy princess and Selena helped me through the crowd of paps and to me car.

I strapped Alexa into her car seat and said one final goodbye to Selena before driving home to Naya.

Naya had finished organising the party as well as the little trip we were taking Alexa on. Alexa was still asleep and was clearly worn out from today's lunch so Naya and I finally got our alone time as tomorrow we would probably spend calming Alexa down before her birthday the following day.


I know this is shit but I'm going through a tough time right now but I'll try to update as much as I can.
Keep commenting an voting- it really means a lot to me when you do.

Stay Strong❤️

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