Chapter 38- Patching Everything Up

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"We have a pretty clear picture from the CCTV. We are about 90% certain that the intruder was Wilmer Valderrama. He was also spotted outside your recording studios and the restaurant you were at earlier on. According to the paps, your run in at Disney wasn't the first time he has been extremely close to you." Max explained to us.

Naya's arms wrapped around me as I tried to comprehend what Max had just told me. A man who I used to think of as one of my best friends, that I shared everything with was now stalking me and my family to the point he broke into my house. What!

"So it's Wilmer. What can we do about this then?" Said Naya. I think she could sense I still wasn't thinking right about the whole situation.

"Well there are police at his apartment and we have confirmation that he has been arrested. He will be charged and you will have to give a statement but there is probably enough evidence that you will not need to testify in court. For your own reassurance we can have guards watching the house but there is a nearby gated community that you might want to think about moving to. It's not compulsory just something to think about. I will watch the house from my car and I've called in Callum to watch the back but that's all the officers gone now."

"Thanks Max we appreciate you so much." Naya said giving me a squeeze to wake me from my trance.

"Yeah we do." I mumbled.

"I'll be here all night Dem. Try to get some sleep now." Max said before leaving and locking the door on his way out.

"Come on baba back to bed, it's all okay now. You're safe with mama and mommy." I told Alexa trying to stay strong for her.

"Have 'nother bottle mommy?" She asked raising her arms to be picked up.

"Sure baba." I told her. I carried her to the kitchen and sat on the counter cuddling my baby while Naya heated up milk for her. Soon enough it was ready and we all went upstairs into the main bedroom. I held her bottle to her mouth as I cradled her in my arms, she drunk about half before falling asleep.

Naya stood at the side of the bed and watched almost in a trance as little snores started to come from Alexa's mouth and nose.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked quietly.

"How I almost lost all of this. My precious baby and my absolutely beautiful girlfriend. How could I have been so stupid not to see it?" She replied. Our eyes briefly made contact and I could see the genuine sadness and guilt in her eyes.

"The argument was my fault. You are Alexa's parent and you're only thinking about what's at her best interest. You didn't lose us Nay, we're still here and neither of us are going anywhere."

A smile appeared on her face which in turn put a smile on my face. I kissed Alexa's forehead and Naya bent down kissing her as well. I carried her into her own bedroom and tucked her in to her princess bed.

I came into my own room to find Naya in bed now in pyjamas. I climbed under the covers and turned away from Naya so she would spoon me- being the little spoon is always better. Naya's arms wrapped me and her soft lips kissed the back of my neck instantly making me feel better.

"I've missed you Demi. I wish I could come with you when you go to work but we both know that's not possible." She said quietly.

"I know I'm gonna miss you both so much but one day it will just be us you know in the future?"

"Miss Lovato what are you hinting at?" Naya said giggling.

"Just our future. It is going to be our future, isn't it?" I asked now getting increasingly worried. What if Naya didn't want to be with me that long?

"Of course there is our future. One day I will marry you and call you my wife and maybe have more children but for now, I don't need anything apart from you and Alexa." Naya reassured me. "I love you so much Demi."

"I love you too Nay."


A lot of people have been suggesting that they get another child but I still don't know about it. It's definitely something I will think about though.

Thank you for reading it so far and I really hope you are enjoying it.

Stay Strong❤️

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now