Chapter 29- Bad Words

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Maddie had been staying with us for a week now and although she was still in her bad place things were relatively okay. My parents wanted to send Maddie to therapy but Maddie was refusing to go.

Currently all of us were sitting at the table eating lunch. I was still trying to convince Maddie that she should eat but she was just as stubborn as me.

"Please Mads, just eat up. You need food." I said giving her all my attention.

Suddenly there was a smash and I saw my glass on the floor. There was shards of glass everywhere. I looked around to see Alexa's arm where my glass was.

"Alexa Lovato, you do not do that! It's dangerous!" I shouted. I picked her up and carefully walked out of the room avoiding the bits of glass.

"Sit here until I come and get you." I said placing her into the corner of the living room. I sighed walking back to the kitchen where Naya was clearing up the glass for me. However, Maddie had eaten half her sandwich so it wasn't all bad.

"Well done sweetie, keep going." I said to her with a massive grin on my face. We all finished our lunch and I got Alexa to go finish her food on her own.

"Demi baby, I'm off to work now. I'll probably be home late tonight, don't wait up okay?" Naya said as I sat down.

"You know I'll wait up anyway. Have fun baby." I said to her. She leaned down and kissed me before saying goodbye to Maddie and leaving. I heard her car pull away as Alexa came running into the living room.

"Did Mama leave?" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Yes baby, she'll be home late tonight but I'll make sure she gives you a kiss before she goes to bed." I told her.

"I wanted to say bye." She said before running off crying. Maddie got up to go after her but I stopped her.

"Leave for a bit Mads. I'm away to put her down for a nap anyway seeing as she's cranky." I said to her. Maddie continued to watch TV while I decided to answer my texts.

From: Bestie Gomez
Hey wanna meet up soon? Xx

From: Momma
How's Maddie doing? Tell her we all miss her and want her home soon x

From: Naya ❤️
I'm missing you already baby xxxxx

From: Dallas
How's my baby sisters doing? Make sure you give her lots of hugs and kisses from me xoxo

I replied to Selena saying for her to come over tonight, replied to my family and told Naya about what Alexa had said after she left before turning to Maddie.

"You know momma, Eddie and Dallas really miss you right? As much as I love you staying with me and I will have you here all the time, you live in Texas Maddie not LA and you'll need to go home at some point."

"I know Dem." She said sadly.

"Momma will homeschool you and you will have to go to therapy Maddie. Therapy doesn't mean you're crazy, it means sometimes you need a little help to get through things and that's okay to have that."

"Okay, I can do that, I think." She said. I smiled at her and hugged her tight.

"Do you need me to come with you on the plane so you can go home?" I asked her.

"I'll be fine Demi, I promise. I really miss momma and dad, oh and Dallas." She whispered.

"Go pack your things and I'll book your ticket and take you to the airport. If you want we can stop and say goodbye to Naya on the way." She nodded and went upstairs.

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now