Chapter 32- Mummy's Warrior

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I had to do an interview today and then I need to go to the studio. I had tried to get the day off but management insisted. I also had a uk show coming up that I would need to rehearse for.

I was currently trying to convince Alexa that life with her socks would be better than walking around barefoot but as usual she was having none of it and was refusing to finish getting dressed.

"No mummy! Too hot!" She was getting louder and even more annoyed every time I put them on her.

"Mama!" She shouted and ran. I turned around to see an extremely tired Naya in the doorway scooping Alexa up.

"Baby you're burning. What's wrong?" Naya asked her.

"Too hot for socks." Came her small but funny reply which made Naya have to try hard to hide her laugh.

"I would deal with her Demi but I had a meeting about the glee tour. What time is your interview?" Naya asked me while trying to calm Alexa down.

"It starts at one I think but I need to be there by ten." I thought back to my schedule.

"I'll try and get time to watch it okay babe." Naya said giving me a quick kiss. I looked at my daughter who was only in her small panties and smiled at her.

"See you soon baby girl, mama loves you." She kissed Alexa's forehead, handing her back to me and left for work.

"I'm too hot mummy." I felt her head and she did have a temperature but I needed to go to the interview.

"I know you are baby, mummy will put the air con on in the car but you need to get dressed. Mummy is going on Jimmy Fallon today." I told her. She knew who Jimmy was as I sometimes let her watch it if someone good was on.

"What you talk about?" She asked as I carried her into her walk in wardrobe.

"Neon lights tour, you and mama, mummy's new music. Is that okay with you princess?" I asked her as she nodded. She grabbed one of her many neon lights tour tshirts and a pair of black jersey shorts.

"That's not a proper outfit baby." I told her trying to find her something else to wear but she started getting herself dressed into the clothes she'd picked.

I gave in to her and grabbed her converse and a pair of socks and took them to the car so I could put them on when we got to the studio. I had found out from previous experiences that she didn't like shoes on in the car. I hadn't worked out why but she would cry and scream if she did have them on. I came back upstairs to find Lexie trying to brush her hair in the mirror.

I took a photo without her noticing and posted it on twitter and Instagram. She was smiling to herself in the mirror and looked adorable.

'My baby girl doesn't need me any more. She's growing up way too fast😢' I wrote as the caption. I finished her hair for her and kissed her nose.

"Tank you mummy, I love youuuu." She said with a small smile.

"I love you too baby because you're my little warrior and you keep mummy strong." I said kissing her again.

We were both finally ready so I strapped in her car seat an drove to the studios.

I grabbed our stuff from the car and carried Alexa to my dressing room where we met up with one of my managers, Natalie. Alexa was surprisingly quiet and just sat on my lap cuddling me while my hair and makeup was done.

Just before the show started Jimmy came in to say hello and go over what we would speak about.

"Hey, you must be Alexa. Your mummy was right cause she said you were gorgeous but you appear to have forgotten your socks today." Jimmy said sweetly to her. She cuddled into me as close as she could, shying away from him.

"Sorry Jimmy she's not feeling too good today so she's really clingy. She going to stay here with Natalie while I go on stage and you're going to be good for her, aren't you?" I said directing the last bit and Alexa.

"Nooo mummy! Don't leave me." She burst into tears. I stood up and rocked her trying to calm her a bit but she just wasn't herself at all.

"It's up to you Demi but if it's easier on you, you can bring Alexa on stage with you." Jimmy suggested. I agreed an thanked him. Alexa was still in her tour top and shorts with no sign of putting shoes on but it didn't really matter.

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"Please welcome Demi Lovato and her adorable little girl, Alexa." Jimmy announced. I walked on stage carrying Alexa who was now sucking her thumb and sat down on the sofa.

"So Bestie, how have you guys been?" Jimmy asked me. Alexa just cuddled into me as I stroked her hair.

"Well I've been good and apart from Alexa getting sick now she's been alright too. I've been really busy working hard for my fans but I know it will all be worth it." I said.

"And apart from Alexa, you've got another special person in your life now don't you?"

"What are you getting to now Jimmy?" I said smirking at him. We always had a laugh on his show. It was one of the reasons I liked coming on it.

"You're quite close to Naya Rivera from glee are you not?" He asked.

Upon hearing Naya's name Alexa's head perked up. Jimmy noticed this and seeing as he wasn't getting anywhere with me he decided to try a new technique.

"So Alexa, what's Naya like?" He asked. She looked at me hesitantly not sure whether to answer. I shot her back a smile trying to encourage her to speak.

"Go on baby tell him about your mama." I said to her quietly.

"Mama is really pretty. She makes me and mummy really happy." She said quietly to Jimmy luckily the microphone picked it up so the audience could hear her.

"That's so adorable. What about your mummy's music do you like it?" Jimmy asked Alexa. She nodded back at him.

"Mummy always sings with mama in the house sometimes it's no good." She said giggling.

I gasped at her making her laugh more and pulled a fake shocked look on my face.

"So Lexie..." Jimmy began but I interrupted him.

"If this interview is just for Lex, I'll wait in the car and you can get me once you're both finished." I joked with them.

"Bye then mummy." She said cheekily to me still laughing.

"Lexie do you think your mummy and mama will have more kids soon?" He asked my four year old. I glared at him with my 'don't put ideas in her head' eyes.

"Nah, I don't want a brother or sister. I want a puppy." She said as I let out a sigh of relief.

"One day Jimmy I will kill you for that." I told him making the audience laugh.

"Had 'nuff now mummy. We leave yet?" Alexa asked me.

"Say bye to Jimmy first." I told her. She got up off me and toddled over to Jimmy. He pulled her onto his lap and hugged her tightly. It was adorable to watch.

"See you soon solider." He said to her. She leaned back with him still holding her and shook her head at him.

"No solider. Mummy's little warrior." She replied smiling at me.


Thanks for all your comments but I still have a few questions.

1. Is there any previous characters that haven't been in for a while that you'd like to see again?

2. In this chapter Demi got upset that Alexa was becoming more independent, should Alexa realise this herself and stop trying to do things?

Thank you and Stay Strong ❤️

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now