Chapter 24- Party Time

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Pretty soon everyone had arrived for Alexa's party. My family was there, Jade, Perrie and Zayn had flown over as well as Fifth Harmony, Selena, Kelly and Paulina.

Naya and Eddie were bonding together over the barbecue as apparently I wasn't trusted with it. Alexa was being a little show off to everyone but hey it's her birthday and I was just sitting cuddling Maddie. I missed my baby sister.

"You're a good mum, you know that Dem." Maddie said to me.

"Am I a better mum than I was a sister? I asked her. I always felt guilty about pushing my little sister away when I was with her and missing out on being with her when I was in rehab.

"No Demi, you a amazing sister and a perfect mum. I mean my sister is Demi Lovato, what more could I ask for?" She said kissing my cheek.

"I love you Maddie."

"Mummy?" I heard Alexa shout.

"I'm over here baby." I shouted back at her. She quickly saw me and ran over.

"Lauren and Jade won't play with me." She said pouting at me. I let out a laugh knowing full well it was probably because they were too busy sucking each other's faces off.

"How about you play with somebody else then? There's lots of people here." I told her. She sulked at me and stomped off in the huff.

"Food's ready guys!" Naya shouted a little bit later. Everyone ran over to the food table. I got a plate an filled it up before returning to my seat. Looking around I couldn't see Alexa anywhere. I could see Naya looking around confused as well, she caught my eye and knew by my look that I would look for her.

Perrie was sitting with Zayn so I went over but neither of them and seen Alexa for about ten minutes.

I went inside my house and could hear the faint sound of people talking upstairs. I walked into my bedroom to find Jade gently rocking my crying daughter and Lauren singing to her softly.

"Mummy." She cried softly. I took her out of Jade's arms and cuddled her close.

"Thanks guys. You two would be great parents you know." I said. Both of them blushed before leaving me with Alexa.

"There was too many people around for you to eat, wasn't there?" I asked and she nodded.

She was a bit overwhelmed but I knew she would be fine eventually. I carried her outside and looked around. Zayn and Camila were now on the trampoline and Selena was sitting with Perrie.

I put Alexa down and sent her off towards Perrie and Sel while I went and got her a small plate of food. Perrie pulled her onto her lap and I watched as Alexa squirmed around when she realised she would have to eat.

"You got to eat up Alexa otherwise Mummy won't be happy." Selena said trying her best to encourage her.

Eventually she gave up the struggle and ate a tiny bite of the burger.

"Good girl princess. I'm so proud, try and eat a bit more." I told her. She did as she was told and ate up.

Once she was finished she was back to her normal giggly self. Selena took her over the trampoline and messed around with Camilla and Zayn.

"I think she going to hate this birthday cake." I said sighing. Perrie wrapped an arm around me.

"No Dem, she'll love the cake and she love blowing the candles out to make a wish, she just doesn't want to eat it that's all." Perrie said.

"I'm off to finish packing and put the suitcases in the car." Naya told me. I got up and quickly kissed her. Once everyone was had left we would make our way to the airport to take Alexa to Florida.

"Thanks babe." I said.

"Mummy! Mummy!" I could hear Alexa shout later on. I began to look for her. I found her at the bottom of the garden towards garden.

"Tired. Everyone go home now?" She asked me. I lifted her up and let her cuddle into me.

"Yeah we need to go say goodbye first but you can stay with mummy." I told her. I think everyone realised how tired Alexa was and how late it had gotten and started to leave.

I tried to dress my baby but she just began to squirm around, she was like that a lot when she got tired.

"Baby please me good for mummy. Please?" I begged her. She wasn't the only one who was tired. She stayed still enough for me to get her pyjamas and her onzie on.

"Cuddle?" She said sleepily. I grabbed her a bottle and fed it to her while I cuddled into her tiny body. She fell asleep before finishing her bottle but just lay down with her body on my chest and shut my own eyes for a bit.


I know this is a shit chapter but I really need suggestions about what you want to happen.

Stay Strong❤️

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now