Chapter 47- Airport Adventures

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We were currently all in a mini van that Eddie had hired to drive us to the airport. It was roughly about six in the morning and although we were going on holiday, no one was in a particularly good mood.

Eddie was driving, my mum was going through last minute details to herself, Dallas was listening to music and Naya, Maddie and Bea were all asleep still.

I was sitting next Alexa quietly reading to my baby. She was even more clingy to me which I didn't know was possible. I had spoken to her about us going away together but she didn't appear to think much of it.

I really hoped she would sleep on the plane as she was incredibly grumpy due to the lack of sleep she had got during the night. Naya thought Lexie might have been coming down with something and the longer she wasn't herself, the more I agreed. I just wished it wouldn't happen while we were away.

Check in itself was straight forward. Alexa was refusing to walk due to the large crowds that my family had attracted the attention of. Knowing it was mainly my lovatics that were trying to get near us, Dallas took Alexa off me and I stopped to take pictures with some of them.

Don't get me wrong, I love every single one of my lovatics so much but sometimes it would be nice to be treated like a normal person who was just going away with their family.

I entered the private lounge that we had gotten to keep fans away and Alexa came running up to me. I picked her up and put her on my hip. I could see she had been crying before but thankfully she'd stopped now.

I sat down with Lexie next to Dallas. Lexie turned herself round so she could snuggle into me and I cuddled into my big sister.

Eventually our flight number was called over the speaker only to alert us that our flight was delayed for a unknown amount of time. It was bad enough that I had a restless toddler to take on a plane, never mind not knowing when we would actually get on it.

"Lexie mommy is going for a wander, you coming or staying here with everyone else?" I asked. She held on to my hand tightly and mumbled a yes. I put on a hoodie and some sunglasses to act as some sort of disguise. Bea decided to come as well as she was bored.

I held Alexa's hand with my right and Bea's hand with my left. Bea had always been a little sweetheart in my eyes though she liked to think she was and I quote 'a tough badass'. Her and Maddie were really close and normally really loud apart from today for some reason.

"Have you and Maddie fallen out or something?" I asked Bea ask we wandered around the airport towards the shops. She looked down at the floor and mumbled a no, at the point I knew my answer.

"Bea." I said this time more sternly. This time she nodded.

"Sweetheart I'm sure it will be fine soon. You guys fall out and make up all the time. What happened this time?" I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to me.

"It was about nothing Dem, I'm sure we'll be fine soon." She said as we reached the shops. I didn't believe her but if she wasn't ready to open up just now, I wasn't going to push her.

"What are you wanting to buy?" Bea asked me as we began looking at stuff.

"Something for Naya."

We began looking at perfumes and tried everything until I decided the one I wanted for her. I picked one up and began to make my way to the check out when I felt a tug on my leg.

"Can I get this for mama please?" My daughter asked. I looked at what she had picked up to see her holding a black bracelet with a metal turtle on it. I looked at the price and saw it wasn't so expensive so I agreed.

"Why the turtle kiddo?" Bea asked.

"Like the one in Nemo." She said simply. As a family Finding Nemo was a favourite to watch so it made sense. I paid for the gifts and we decided to head back.

"Any reason in particular your bought her a gift or are you just wanting some tonight?" Bea said, her cheeky grin back on her face. I playfully slapped her arm while she laughed.

"No Bea. I want to buy my girlfriend a gift because she's amazing and I love her." I stated louder than I was expecting.

"Well that's always nice to hear."

I looked away from Bea to see Naya walking towards us. My cheeks turned pink and Bea let out a laugh.

"Shush you." Naya said to Bea as she wrapped her arm around my lower back. I was now carrying Alexa with Naya on one side and Bea holding Naya's hand as we walked towards Starbucks.

"That's a cute family you've got there." The barista said while we waited for our drinks.

"I'm not actually their-" Bea began until Naya cut her off.

"Thanks." Naya told the barista. I just smiled at Bea while we got our drinks.

"Now let's go make up with Maddie." I told her.

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now