Chapter 25- Disney Disaster

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We had managed to make it to the airport without Alexa waking up. I had put her in her buggy to check her in but she hadn't even moved so she must of been extremely tired.

We were guided through security into the VIP lounge and didn't have to wait long until our flight was called.

When we arrived in Orlando, Naya hired car for us. I strapped Alexa into the hire car seat while Naya put the pushchair into the boot.

"Mummy where are we?" Alexa asked. She had slept for most of the way as it was during the night and had just started to wake up properly now. She looked around and quickly became confused and scared. Seeing this, I leaned in closer to speak to her and gave her a kiss.

"It's a surprise baby. You're gonna love it." I told her softly. She didn't seem too overjoyed at it being a surprise but I knew she would love it.

Naya drove us straight to Magic Kingdom and I filmed Alexa's reaction as the castle came into view.

"Mummy does a princess live there?" She said craning her neck out the window trying to see better.

"Yes baby. That's where we're going now, to see the princesses."

Once Naya parked, I carried Alexa out of the car and into the park. She seemed in awe of everything.

I put her down and put her fast past around her neck on a princess lanyard.

The park was as usual, extremely busy and I was petrified of being here with a four year old. Especially my four year old who had now started to adventuring off on her own.

We went straight to the little kid bit as Alexa was too small to get on most of the bigger rides. We decided to go on the Peter Pan ride as it was closest. Although Alexa was a bit scared when the ride started by the end she loved it.

Some of the rides Naya went on with just Alexa while I watched. There wasn't a particular reason for it, just most rides had two seats and it meant I got to watch how happy it made my daughter.

We had decided to all go on the jungle cruise boat. Alexa loved it and I knew at some point she'd want back on it. I got a big scared as Alexa kept leaning over the edge and my motherly instincts kicked in but Naya assured me that she was holding onto her tightly.

We got off the ride and the parade had started. I was about to ask Alexa if she wanted to watch when she ran off towards it.

I immediately ran after her trying to keep my eye on her but as we approached the parade it was even more crowded.

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now