Chapter 61- Scan Part 2

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"Luckily for me, I'm pretty confident to say that you're having a little girl." The doctor told us.

Naya and I both have each other huge smiles and the doctor wiped the remainder of the gel off my stomach before leaving to print out pictures so I could get dressed.

"Are you happy you're getting a little sister princess?" Naya asked Alexa.

"No I'm not." She said in a grump folding her arms leaning back into Naya. Naya stood up holding Alexa and kissed my lips.

"Well I'm happy that we're going to have two gorgeous girls in our family. I love you Lovato." She told me before kissing me again.

We got our photos of the ultrasound and both Naya and I sent pictures to our families alerting them of my pregnancy the minute we got home.

Alexa went off to play and we both started phoning our managers alerting them of our news.

Naya's POV

I was finished with my phone calls so went off to Alexa. She had been quite close to me all day and I had really enjoyed her company.

I opened her bedroom door to find her under her covers. I could hear muffled tears coming from her which completely broke my heart.

I slowly pulled back her covers to see her shaking body. There were wet patches on her pillow from her tears and her eyes were red.

"Come here baby. Come to mama." I said sitting down on her bed. She crawled on my lap and I held her tight, attempting to hush her cries.

"This is about the new baby isn't it? Want to speak to me about why it's upset you?" I asked her. She didn't reply but slowly shook her head.

"I don't know what's going through your head but we both still love you so so much and we're not replacing you. You are still very much my princess." I kissed her little lips and held her tight. She leant forward and kissed me back.

"I love you mama." She said quietly as I dried her eyes.

"I love you too princess now go pick a film and we can watch it in bed." I told.

Demi's POV

I finally finished making all my phone calls including facetiming both my sisters who were extremely excited about being aunties again.

Leaving the office I noticed the house was worryingly quiet although my daughter wasn't normally noisy.

I looked around downstairs and after deciding they weren't they tried upstairs. I peeked into Lexie's room to find them both snuggled up under the covers with the credits of Toy Story just beginning to play.

I sighed at them and took a picture, posting it and setting it as my lock screen. I turned the TV off and shut the curtains.

I walked back towards them both and tucked the covers in around them, kissed their lips and left.
Looks like I'm sleeping my myself.

On reaching my room I found Jay lying on my bed. Although Naya had tried to teach him not to, I found it adorable and let him up anyway. At least I wasn't sleeping alone after all.

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now