Chapter 66- Despair

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I woke up and straight away sat up remembering what had happened. I immediately regretted it as a wave of dizziness rushed to my head. I shut my eyes tight, taking some deep breaths before opening them again.

"Hey baby." Naya said gently kissing my lips.

"How long have I been asleep? Is there news on the baby? Where's Lex?" I asked quickly.

"Baby the doctor says you need to rest but you've been asleep about four hours since it all happened, she's in intensive care and I've asked and we can't see her yet and Lex is with Rissa." She explained to me.

"She doesn't have a name Naya." I said quietly. She held my hand tightly.

"I know baby but I want to see her face before we name her. I want to meet her first." She replied.

"Naya what if." I started to say.

"Don't say it Dem. If she's anything like her mommy she's strong little fighter. She's gonna make it." She kissed me again and I cuddled into her. I was completely exhausted and overwhelmed by my emotions. I stayed in Naya's embrace until my eyes shut again.

I woke up and Naya was still next to me and still holding my hand. She was sleeping soundly but I could see the tear tracks still on her face.

I looked up to see one of the doctors entering the room. He noticed I was awake and smiled at me.

"Miss Lovato, I am pleased to tell you that your daughter is fighting hard in our intensive care unit and we are working the best we can. If she keeps this up I'm sure you can meet her soon. As for you keep resting and I'm sure you can be discharged by tonight." He said. I thanked him and burst into more tears accidentally waking Naya up in the process.

She climbed onto the bed with me and silently held me. I clung on to her and her own tears began to fall.

I don't remember how long she held me like that or how long we cried. I just knew that I was grateful that she stood by me throughout anything.


I get that this isn't that long and I haven't checked it either but I wanted to update anyway so comment your suggestions please.

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now