Chapter 27- Flour

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Since Naya and I had became public, the press hadn't left us alone. We were avoiding leaving the house at all costs as we were constantly hounded with questions and had cameras shoved in our faces.

Alexa was slowly getting a bit of independence but was still shy around other people. Although Naya and I were trying to encourage her to be social, it was extremely difficult when we couldn't leave the house.

Currently I was watching TV on my own while Naya and Alexa were baking in the kitchen. I had tried to join in and help but they wouldn't let me, claiming that I would burn the house down. To be honest it was probably true. I was starting to get bored when my phone rang.

"Hey Dem, it's Maddie can you come get me from the airport?" My little sister asked me.

"Sure baby girl I'm on my way now, why are you here though?" I asked now increasingly worried about my sister and why she was here suddenly.

"I'm just having a tough time, please come quick." I promised her I would come straight away and hung up.

"Naya I need to go pick Maddie up from the airport, I'll be home soon." I told her.

"Is she okay? I didn't know she was coming to stay." Naya said confused.

"I don't think so, that's why she is coming but I'm gonna bring her back here for a bit, is that alright with you?" I asked her.

"Of course it is, you know I love Maddie. Go get her, we'll clean up while you're gone." She said before kissing me. I kissed her back and kissed Alexa.

"Where you going mummy?" She asked sweetly.

"To go and get Auntie Maddie from the airport, I'll be home soon." I gave her another kiss before grabbing my keys and leaving.

At the airport I quickly saw Maddie and helped her get her case in the trunk of my car. We got in and I gave her a long hug.

"What's wrong baby? Tell me." I asked her. She was really starting to worry me now.

"Can we just talk when we get to your house? I don't wanna talk about it here." She said tears starting to fill her eyes.

"That's fine babe, does momma know you're with me?" She shook her head. "Maddie." I said sighing. "I'll text her and let her know you're safe with me."

We drove back to my house in silence. The radio was on but neither of us sung to it. When we got home, I grabbed Maddie's case and carried it to the guest bedroom.

"Hey guys. Maddie and I are back." I shouted through the house.

"Mummy? Uh oh." I heard Alexa say. We walked into the kitchen to see Naya trying to clean up while Alexa just stood there is her panties covered from head to toe in flour. I stifled a giggle while Maddie had a full out laughing fit.

"What happened this time? Let me hear it." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Our daughter is a maniac who can not be trusted to pour flour into a bowl." Naya said as she continued to wipe the work tops. I was so excited that she had said 'our daughter', it made me so happy that Naya thought of Lexie as her own child.

"And what do you have to say about this?" I asked now looking at Alexa.

"I blame Mama." She said simply causing all three of us to laugh.

"Maddie can you wait a bit longer to speak to me while I clean this monster up?" I asked her. Maddie was fine with it so I carried Alexa upstairs and ran her a bath.

"What happened today was actually very naughty and I want you to go downstairs and say sorry to Mama once we're done, okay?" I told her as I washed the flour off her little body.

"Okay Mummy, I'm sorry." She said leaning up so I could give her a kiss. I kissed her and then she splashed me.

"Hey! No splashing Mummy." I said firmly but she giggled. I sighed, shaking my head and got her out of the bath. I quickly got her dressed and took he downstairs to apologise to Naya. Naya forgave her and I left them so Naya could dry Alexa's hair for me and I could give Maddie some attention.

Maddie had been worrying me since the phone call. I had no idea what could be wrong with her. Momma had said that she was acting different or anything like that. Worst of all I felt so bad for not knowing, I mean I'm her big sister, I'm meant to be the one who looks out for her, notices when something's wrong and I'd failed her.

I sighed and entered my bedroom where Maddie was waiting for me.


1. What do you think is wrong with Maddie?

2. What will Demi do about it?

3. Should Wilmer, Perrie and Selena be more involved?

4. More little mix and Jauren(Jade and Lauren)

Stay Strong ❤️

*EDITING* Bonfire Heart (Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now