Chapter 3: Rescued

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(A/N: The picture is Harry jumping into the water.)

When you two return the crowd hasn’t gone down at all but it was easier to get in. Well except the big hulking guards by the doors. Savannah and you had to show him your ids and room keys to prove who you two were and to prove you were guests.

“I hope it’s not like this all summer.” Savannah whines.

“Same.” You agree.

“Wanna go to the pool later?” You asked Savannah.

“Why not?” She shrugs. “But I have to call my boyfriend first.” When you two got in your room, you immediately went to pull your bikini out. Savannah went and dialed her boyfriend and you went to change.

“I’ll meet you down there ok?” You called to Savannah. She gave you thumbs up and you walked down to the pool.

Once down there you sat your towels and magazine down on the table. You watched little kids splash each other endlessly. You noticed a little boy walking on the edge of the pool. He couldn’t be more than four or five. Then your fear happened. He slipped and fell in. You heard a scream and you didn’t wait. You dived right in. The little boy was trying to swim but couldn’t.

You grabbed his hand and pulled him close to you. Once you broke the surface with the little boy in hand people helped him out. You smoothed your hair out of your eyes and climbed out of the pool. The little boy was crying and hugging his mother. The mother was crying as well. The father came over and thanked you. You walked over to your stuff and wrapped a towel around you. You sat and enjoyed the warm sun that was coming through the windows.

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